Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
All I Want For Christmas Is Summer
One day into winter, and I am counting down the days until it's over. I am not a winter person. Not only do I hate the darkness, the coldness, the driving in snow, but I also hate winter parenting.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Naughty or Nice?
This morning Parker asks me, "If you are on the naughty list do you still get the presents from your family?"
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Being Married to a Davis Man
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pucker Up
Friday, December 4, 2009
School Days
Parker had a lot of instructions for me. "Hold up one finger to the lunch ladies for lunch choice one. Don't get the orange cream milk. It tastes like gross melted ice cream. You don't have to get the carrot sticks. You squirt the ketchup on your tray right here."
I think Parker really needed his mom to eat lunch with him, because he had a rough day at school yesterday. During PE he collided with another boy from his class, hit the gym floor hard, and ended up with a black eye. I was trying to console him about the eye. "I think it's pretty manly to have your first black eye," I told him.
He looked at me disbelieving, "Mom, men get black eyes from fist fights and football, NOT PE!"
I taught McKay's preschool class yesterday. I have a group of three other moms, and we each teach one Thursday a month. My biggest battle is keeping this all girl group out of the princess dress-ups and princess dolls. (You can see I failed yesterday.)
We were doing an art project, making paper plate wreaths. I noticed one girl was really getting into it, and I said, "Wow, Kiana's really going to town."
To which McKay responded by a fury of green leaf gluing. "Mom, look at me. I'm going to town, too."
Natasha looked up, puzzled. "Where's town?"
Deacon. Deacon's not quite to the school stage yet. Here's hoping for a football scholarship.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Contemplations on Motherhood
Some things about motherhood have come as a surprise. For instance, instead of catching Deacon as he slides down the slide, I catch him as he jumps off the top of the slide. The following pictures captured in my house today, were not in my original motherhood vision.
I never thought there would be more on the outside of my fridge than in it.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Blessed, Again
Friday, November 20, 2009
Check Yes or No
Raegan is about the cutest girl I have ever seen. I was just volunteering in Parker's class yesterday, noticing how adorable she is. So I said to Parker. "I saw the note from Raegan in your backpack. What did you think about it?"
Parker replies, "There were too many staples in it, and I had to pull them all out."
Umm, not what I was getting at. "Did you answer her?"
"Yeah, I said the answer would be either 'no' or 'maybe.'"
Alright. I guess he's not smitten yet.
Stuff I Heard Around My House Today
Parker: "Then why do they do it on Peter Pan?"
Chris: "Because that's a stereotype."
Parker: "Well, maybe they're Stereotype Indians."
Parker to McKay: "Mom's got a migration. That's a bad kind of headache."
McKay: "Mom, when you see me around today could you call me 'Your Majesty?'"
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Deacon Does Sacrament Meeting
Then there is Deacon. Deacon is by far the squirreliest little boy I have ever seen. I plunk him on his chair, and he is over the chair, under the chair, and through the chair in a matter of minutes. This Sunday, Deacon added a new trick to his routine. He ran two rows up from us and just laid down in the aisle, completely content to stare at the ceiling and kick his legs in the air.
Now normally when Deacon makes a run for it, I send Parker for him. But Parker was on the complete opposite side of the row, so I decided to have McKay give it a try. "Go bring Deacon back to mom," I told her.
She walked up to Deacon and grabbed his hand. When he refused to budge, she started dragging him by one arm. He's apparently heavy, because she had to use her whole body to drag him just a couple of inches. Deacon appeared unconcerned. Without a noise or a worried expression, he simply laid on the ground and allowed himself to be dragged by the arm. McKay made increasingly louder grunts and groans as she attempted to move his heavy body. She finally dragged him back to me, and only when I picked him up off the ground did he make any objections. Evidently sitting on his mom's lap was a lot worse than being dragged by the arm across the gym floor.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My sister, Riki, told me that when you pay your tithing, maybe you don't get rich, but somehow things just work out. And things are working out.
First, the van. I wanted to flush the van down our toilet. But, wait, I couldn't do that because our toilet was broken. We asked our friend from the ward what to do with our piece of crap toilet. He is a plumber, and he knows about crappy toilets. He offered to come look at it, came over last Saturday morning, and fixed our toilet free of charge. Bless you good ward friends.
And speaking of good wards friends, we decided to go out to breakfast that same Saturday. We opened our door and found a pile of goodies from an anonymous friend on our door. When we got to JB's, we randomly pulled in at the exact same time as some other good friends from our ward. We all ate breakfast together and had a great time. Then while we were fattening ourselves up at the buffet, this friend paid not only for his family to eat breakfast but ours as well. When we went to pay, we found that our meal had already been paid for. Thank you friends.
So back to our van. I took it in to the mechanic on Friday. After several hours of running tests on it, they still could not locate the leak. The guy there told me he could charge me for some replacement parts, but he would really just be guessing at where the leak was. So instead, he cleared the check engine code for me and suggested I go retake my emissions test before the check engine light came back on. Here is the amazing part. Not only was he so nice and honest, he did not charge me a cent for all the hours he spent trying to locate the leak on my van. I hurried back to Jiffy Lube and retook my emissions test, and my van passed. I was ecstatic when the van passed, and apparently it showed, because the Jiffy Lube guy told me, "I have never seen anyone so excited to pass the emissions test."
Cost to fix toilet--nothing. Cost to go out to eat as a family--nothing. Cost to make van pass emission test--nothing. Pretty impressive. And I didn't even coupon.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Another One Bites the Dust
When Parker learned the TV was broken he asked me if I would go buy a new one while he was at school. "No," I explained. "TVs cost money, and mommy's money has to go to paying bills and buying groceries." Tearing up, Parker choked out, "I miss you, TV."
Chris said, "What's going to break next?"
I really wish he hadn't said that, because he jinxed us. Two hours later I brought my van in for its emission test, which it failed. Now I have to pay for hundreds of dollars of repairs to be allowed to continue driving it. Grrr. I want to throw it away with my TV. But instead of throwing anything away, I'm going to go be a mom. Because my TV is no longer around to fill that role for me.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Pictures
So right before we headed out trick-or-treating I pulled out the camera and got a few movies and pictures. (Posted below for your enjoyment.)
Each of my children had a different take on trick-or-treating. Deacon lasted five houses, completely amazed that people were giving him treats or "cooks" as he calls them. The child is a good generalizer. All food are "apples," and all treats are "cooks" (a.k.a. "Cookies."). Then at the sixth house he laid down in the driveway, refusing to move. That was my indication he was done.
McKay reminded me that if we eat too much candy it gives us tummy aches. Looking down at her candy-laden bucket, she added, "But not if it's healthy candy!"
And Parker dumped his bucket onto the living room floor, rubbed his fingers together in his excited way, and declared, "It's mine. All mine."
Friday, October 23, 2009
I've Been Noticing a Theme in My Life Lately...
Parker: "Heath, do you want to hear a potty word?"
Me: "No."
Parker (ignoring me): "Maximus gluteus." (He meant to say gluteus maximus. It was a half, half...something attempt at a large word.)
Heath, unimpressed: "That's not a potty word."
Parker, giggling: "Yes it is! It's the science word for 'butt.'"
What a proud mommy moment. My child's first attempt at speaking Latin.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Alone Time
O.k. After a half an hour I decided the M&M's were probably gone and went to check on Parker. I found him scootering down the sidewalk full speed, singing at top volume a Queen song. He loves Queen and listens to Chris's cd constantly. The song he had chosen to sing was "Fat-Bottomed Girls." As he came closer I could hear that he had misunderstood the lyrics. He scootered towards me, grinning, singing, "Black-bottomed girls you make my rocking world go round."
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Family Pictures from Hell
We still managed to be running late, so we started out a little grumpy. However, I got to the studio fifteen minutes late only to discover they had no record of the appointment I had made. This despite the fact the photographer, who's in our ward, vividly remembered booking it. They told us they could still take our pictures in about fifteen to twenty minutes. So we waited it out. At which point Deacon decided to pass the time by filling his diaper. I sent Chris out to the van for a diaper and wipes, and he returned with a diaper and three dried up wipes, one of which looked like it had already been used to wipe a dirty face. I attempted to change the diaper, but I had a few things going against me. One, Deacon decided to put his hand in the diaper and smear poo on his pants; and two this was not an ordinary three wipe diaper, but rather a seven plus wipe diaper. I ended up begging wipes off a total stranger in the restroom.
Then I returned to the studio where we continued to wait for an hour and a half! I thought about leaving, but I kept on thinking about all the effort required to dress my children and get them out the door, so I continued to wait. By the time we finally got back to get our pictures taken, everyone was hungry, tired, and super grumpy. Deacon kept walking out of the family photo. Parker wanted to lay down and go to sleep. McKay refused to move anywhere where the photographer told her to go. And Chris and I look livid. As we looked through the proofs, there was not a single photo where at least one person wasn't glaring angrily at the photographer. In a way it was hilarious to look through them. So we selected the least hideous picture, which is in all honesty, truly awful, and got out of there. But not before I spoke to the manager.
Apparently I'm slightly assertive or something. The other day Chris asked me why I wasn't better friends with someone in the ward, and I said, "She's too sweet and kind and meek."
"Yeah, she's nothing like you then," he replied reflexively.
"What are you saying? That I'm not kind?"
"Well, it's not the first word I would have picked."
"What would you have picked?"
"Strong-willed. Assertive. Self-confident. Opinionated. I don't think meek would have made the top one hundred."
So my assertiveness came out. I asked to speak to the manager. Then I asked her what kind of discount she was going to give me for making my family wait ninety minutes. (In a sweet, kind way. Really.) She told me she couldn't do anything because I wasn't in the computer. "Hmm," I told her, "since I made an appointment, and you still don't have me in the computer, please explain to me how that's my fault."
So to make a long story, slightly shorter, I got a 10x13, two 8x10's, a sheet of 5x7's, 3 x5's, and 2 wallets all for $4.99! All of a family photo I hate! But the best news--we don't have to do this again for one whole year! Yippee!
Monday, October 12, 2009
McKay's Perceptions
Me: "We don't really know."
Parker: "I think he takes a highway...a highway to heaven."
Chris: "Only Michael Landon takes that highway."
McKay: "I know the answer! He has faith."
Oh, thank you, McKay for putting us all in our place. I guess I'll have to believe you know what your talking about. So this next comment I heard from her in church must be true.
McKay pats my neck and says, "Mom, your neck is the most beautiful part of your whole body." Well, I guess I knew stomach wasn't going to be a contender for the number one spot.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Swine Flu
Now saying your child has the swine flu sounds much worse than saying your child has any old common variety of flu. It makes me sound like an amazing mom to have weathered the swine flu virus, when in all actuality I just kept the Tylenol and fluids down Parker and changed the DVDs every 90 minutes.
And now why I love being Mormon. My neighbor, Makenna, knocked on my door this morning asking for a ride to school. I told her I couldn't give her one, because Parker was sick, possibly with the swine flu. Ten minutes later I get a phone call from my next door neighbor, "I hear Parker has the swine flu. What can I do?" (Thank you, Makenna.) One hour later I get a call from my visiting teaching companion. "I hear Parker has the swine flu. Do you need some soup or something?" A few hours later our home teacher and his wife knock on our door with homemade spice cake in hand. "I hear Parker has the swine flu. Here's some cake. What do you need?" I told no one from the ward that Parker was sick, but by the end of the day everyone knows. I love that. And I love cake. Poor Parker is too sick to eat any. But someone's got to eat it. And I did just do sixteen minutes and 38 seconds of "Dance of the Inches: Tummy Tone Party Zone" before I got sick of it and turned it off. I'll just add that to the job description of mother of swine flu patient--Tylenol dispenser, DVD switcher, cake eater. I've got this covered.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Broken Home
But September is almost over, and we've also started to run out of things to break, so I thought we were in for a reprieve. Yesterday I loaded the kids into the van (after finding a new pair of shoes for McKay, since her old sandals broke.), and headed out to run errands. All was well until I got a call from Parker's school. "Mrs. Davis? Parker got hit in the face with a soccer ball at recess. His glasses broke in half." Of course they did.
One new pair of glasses later, Parker asked me if he could do some crazy little boy stunt. "No," I told him, "You will break your leg, and you are only allowed to break one thing per month." Chris who was listening, said, "Don't you think you should lengthen out his quota? A new month starts on Thursday." Dang it.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Deacon's Food Storage
Anyway, if something goes permanently missing, Deacon probably tossed it. As I was cleaning up the living room today, I noticed something lodged inside a speaker. I cautiously put my hand in and pulled out...a waffle. Hmm. When was the last time we had waffles? As we've been out of syrup for a week, it's been a while. Something else was in there. So I pulled out...another waffle. Also a small green ball and a rock. Dang. Nothing of value. I tossed the waffles in the garbage and continued on to cleaning the kitchen.
As I was wiping down the table, into the kitchen plowed Deacon happily munching on something. Hey, I hadn't given him a snack. What could he be eating? Not the...waffle? Yes. Yuck.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
How to Get Out of Sacrament Meeting
"No. You already went. You're only allowed one potty break per sacrament meeting."
"But what if I pee my pants?"
"As you just went to the bathroom twenty minutes ago, I doubt that's going to happen."
Sensing I wasn't going to budge on this one, he decided to change strategies. "I need to leave sacrament meeting for a different reason."
"I just need some alone time."
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My Mirror is Fixed and Other Mindless Tales
He got it put back together, but he needed something to keep it from shifting around. "I have it!" he exclaimed, "Bubblegum!" So I raided Parker's gumball machine, and we stuck a wad of it to the mirror. "Now, if my elementary school desks were any indication, this should harden up nicely," he explained. "Hey, are you going to blog about how I fixed your mirror?" "Let's see if it lasts 24 hours," I said.
So the next day, I got in the car to head to Albertsons. My mirror appeared to be working perfectly, so I backed up, and--I kid you not--whacked my mirror on that exact same evil wheelbarrow! I accused Chris of moving the wheelbarrow closer to the van, but he swears it's just me. Anyway, the chewing gum held, and my mirror did not fall off.
I made it to Albertsons, where I had just a few things to get, about six dollars worth. After she rang up my groceries, the cashier began scanning my coupons. (I know I'm blogging about grocery shopping again. Last time. Promise.) "O.k.," she said, "Your total is...wait a second I actually owe you $ .12. Hmm....I'm not supposed to give refunds at my register. I'm not sure what to do here." "Don't worry, you can keep the change," I told her, leaving with my free groceries. I'm not sure if I would call that an all-time cheapness high or low, but it did seem like a record-setting moment.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
McKay: "MaKenna's mom and dad aren't married?"
Me: "Ummm...."
McKay: "But you have to be married to get a baby in your tummy."
Me: "YES, yes you do. NEVER forget that."
Deacon was a wiggle worm through the wedding ceremony, but I managed to keep him relatively quiet. He did ask for "apple" a few times. The kid was hungry. And I may have blown a few of my bride-shaped bottle of bubbles during the vows to keep him entertained. Just a few. So when the minister announced it was time to kiss the bride, I was relieved we had made it through without much noise. However, as the guests looked on happily at the kissing bride and groom, the quiet romantic moment was interrupted by Parker's loud exclamation--"Disgusting!"
Friday, September 11, 2009
Driving Disasters
Yes, I did. Thank you Deacon. I don't know why it didn't just roll away, but it was stuck. I had to do a series of driving forward and backward to finally get it free. I don't want to know what the neighbors thought. But I was on my way until I glanced in my mirror.
I accidentally took out my mirror on Wednesday, when I backed out of the garage and whacked into the wheelbarrow hanging on the wall. I was going to go get the mirror fixed this morning, so I just stuck it back in as best I could and started driving. Well, when I glanced into the mirror, I noticed it was pointing down, and therefore doing me no good, so I decided I would just push it up a little bit.
This was when my mirror fell off onto Meridian road. I had driven all of approximately one block. So I pulled over, turned on my flashers, and collected my mirror from the road, all without dying. This time I threw my mirror onto the passenger seat, deciding to get this fixed as soon as I filled the van up with gas.
I had been driving for a good two minutes when I heard an unusual sound out my window. My window was unrolled, because the air conditioner that I have now fixed twice (Good-bye $1200) is broken again. What now? I think. I'm beginning to think my van is falling to pieces, or possibly pieces are falling off of it again. Then the sound changes into a rhythmic thump, thump, and I have a good guess what's wrong. I pull into the Fred Meyer parking lot, and my suspicion is confirmed--I have a flat tire.
Our secondhand van did not come with a spare tire, and it never occurred to me to get one until this moment. I called Chris, who was in a meeting, and he told me he would help me take care of it after his meeting.
So for a good hour and a half, the kids and I roamed the aisles of Fred Meyer. I now know every single toy that Fred Meyer's carries, and which ones McKay would like for her birthday. (All the girl ones.) I also now own three cans of tuna, a bag of fun-size Snickers bars, and a pair of little girl Sunday shoes.
So my knight finally rode up in his glistening, unbroken, white car to rescue me. I drove home in said car, while he dealt with tow trucks, new tires, etc. I was so happy to be driving a functioning, air-conditioned vehicle. Though the occasional dinging sound was unnerving. (Note to self: Cars will periodically ding at you if you drive with the trunk open.) I was glad to be home with my bad car luck behind me. I let Deacon out of the car, and he instantly walked right into the open car door and whacked his head.
I have to pick Parker up from school in an hour and a half. I'm thinking we better walk.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Parker: "Why do I always have to clean up Chewie's poo? Why can't mom do it?"
Chris: "Mom is busy taking care of the little kids."
Parker: "I could take care of them."
Chris: "Would you like to change Deacon's diaper?"
Parker: "Well..."
Chris: "Let me put it this way. You can either clean up poo with a shovel or with your hand."
Parker points his finger at Chris and says, "You've got a point."
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Best Friends and Animal Cruelty
Monday, August 31, 2009
First Day of School
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Which Came First?
"So which did he make? Do he make a big chicken or did he put a baby chick inside a egg?"
Did she really just ask me which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Daily Chores
McKay: "I don't like chores, either. I don't like things that take forever."
Friday, August 14, 2009
A Week's Worth of Pictures
Me: "That's not true you also have Joseph."
Please, please, please can I not go through this stage for eight, nine more years?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Reverence is, At the Very Least, Quietly Sitting
This tided everyone over until somewhere in the middle of the sacrament, when Chris said his blood sugar was low. I was sure I had sugar in the van, so I ran out and found half a tube of liquid glucose that was no longer liquid. Not exactly an overflowing supply. So I ran back in, handed the tube to Chris to crunch on, and then got up to find my friend in the ward who also has a diabetic husband to beg sugar off her. When I got back to my family, McKay was having a meltdown because she was "so, so, so thirsty." Feeling that I should stay with Chris to make sure he lived through sacrament meeting, I sent Parker out with McKay. They were back in a few minutes with McKay still in meltdown mode, because Parker wasn't tall enough to lift her up. So back up I popped to take McKay out, with Deacon following at my heels. Drinks done, I sent McKay back in and stayed out in the hall with Deacon who was now having his very own meltdown. While I tried to calm Deacon, who should come walking out of the doors of the chapel, but Parker. "What are you doing?" I exclaimed. Parker shrugged. "I had to go to the bathroom."
Finally, Chris, Parker, and McKay are all sitting in Sacrament meeting, Deacon is running back and forth in the breezeway, and I have a chance to listen to the talks. The bishopric is having a special sacrament meeting about reverence. The first counselor has just stated that parents should teach their children that there is no reason they need to leave the chapel during sacrament meeting, when who should pop through the chapel doors, but my oldest son. "What now?!?"
"McKay stepped on a fruit snack, and there is fruit snack goo spread all over the floor. Dad sent me out for a wet paper towel."
So if you were counting--times we should leave sacrament meeting: zero; times Davis members got out of their seats: six. At this point it's now the Bishop's turn, and he is talking about attending a friend's ward last Sunday. He said the mom in front of him passed out Lunchables and Capri Suns to her children. Of course, I thought, this is the answer to the Davis family's need for reverence. If I bring Lunchables and Capri Suns next week, everyone will have food, a drink, and be happily contained for a good twenty, thirty minutes. This is the way to go! Then the Bishop burst my bubble by stating, "I think Cheerios are one thing. But meat product--that's going too far."
Dang. I wonder if they make vegetarian Lunchables...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Primary Activity
And this is when I realized my gospel teaching has been less than stellar. In Parker's mind it is much better to marry a non-member than allow one to step inside a Mormon church.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Coupon Crazy
So I started in on my couponing adventures, and before I knew it, I was addicted. It has become a game to see how much I can get for little to nothing. Chris can't understand how excited I get over grocery shopping. However, he was very supportive during the Dr. Pepper sale. When I got 4 12-packs of Diet Dr. Pepper for $1.22 (That price includes tax!), he told me, "This is the best thing you've ever got couponing!" So 28 cases later, we have our year supply of Caffeine-Free Diet Dr. Pepper. Hey, we're just trying to follow the prophet here.
But on to yesterday. I took a picture of all the groceries I bought. Chris told me, "Someday you're going to look back at that picture, and think, 'I'm such a dork.'" He's probably right. Here's the picture.
Guess how much this cost. O.k. before coupons it cost $32.22. Then I had $15 of coupons, so I paid $17.22. But wait--there's more! Then coupons for $15 of store vouchers printed off. So it was like I'd got all those groceries for $2.22. But wait--there's even more! Then a survey printed off, which I did online, which gave me two more dollars of free groceries! So I paid $17.22, and I now have coupons for $17 of free groceries. It's like I bought all those groceries for $.22!
O.k. I got that out of my system. Now I promise to never post the details of my grocery shopping trips again.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
How the Davis Family Spends a Saturday
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Lackluster Lawn: A Tale of Woe
Our neighbor, MaKenna, and McKay holding her kitten, "KitKat."
Parker with his kitten "Bob."
Monday, July 27, 2009
I Have a Hedge Now
A half an hour, and one and half pathetic holes later, I was about to give up. That's when I noticed two guys approaching me. As you may or may not know, I live in a construction zone, and these were two workers on a break from working on the house across the street. "Do you need help?" they asked. This was when I began to justify my poor shoveling skills. "Well, the ground is so rocky, and it's so hot..." Of course these excuses were lost on people who had been laying cement in the heat of the day for several hours. One of the men took my shovel out of my hands without a word, and the other one asked if I had another. I quickly found one, and twenty minutes later all thirty holes were dug! I went inside to get them a drink, and when I came back out they had put all the shrubs into the holes! This from people I had never seen before, and who I have never seen since. The concrete was done, and they were gone the next day. Their kindness saved me like a million hours of work.
So, all this kindness towards me has inspired me to be a nicer person. I told Chris, "I'm going to start being a nice wife." To which he responded, "Honey, I love you just the way you are. And if you started being nice that just wouldn't be you." (He was joking.) (I think....)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
One Big Happy Family
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Chris
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Deep Thoughts from McKay
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Kodie the Brave
I am not a spider-killer by profession for a good reason--spiders are creepy. So usually when I see a spider I call Chris to kill it. If he's not here, then I go far away from the spider, pretending it doesn't exist. However, when I saw a hobo spider in my kids' outdoor toy box, I knew I had to act. The thought of the hobo mistaking my children's hands as spider food was terrifying. So I grabbed the closest available weapon, a plastic purple child-size garden hoe, and tried bludgeoning the thing. Here's something you may not know: Hobos are very fast spiders. The creature was zipping all around the box, over balls and bats and through toy trucks. I chased it with my hoe, screaming the entire time, but to no avail. So I ran to the garage, grabbed some insect poison and began dousing it. It would not die. Finally, about half a gallon of bug spray later, it started to slow. I decided I would have to go for the spider squash. I hate squishing bugs, because often they have a Lazarus-like quality. Just when you think they're dead and your screams have subsided, Bam! Up they pop. But I gathered up every last morsel of courage, and squished that spider. Eeewww! I still have goose bumps.
I have conquered the spider. And the toy box is once again safe. That is, it will be safe once the gallon of poison dries....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sensing a great teaching moment, I explained, "Heavenly Father gives you those things to make you stronger. If you learn from those things, you will be a stronger person."
A big grin spreads across Parker, and I am thinking, I am such a great mom right now. This totally cancels out me yelling at him to stop driving me crazy before I paddled his bum. My inner celebration is soon cut short. Parker lifts up the sleeve of his shirt, makes a muscle, and asks, "O.k. how much stronger am I now?"
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My First and Last Short Haircut
And she did. I HATE this haircut so much. It will grow. It will grow...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A Heavenly Conversation
Mom: "You won't need a t.v. You'll be too busy."
Parker: "Doing what? Playing a trumpet?"
Mom: "No, like doing missionary work."
Parker: "Yes! Does this mean I get a name tag?"
Monday, June 22, 2009
Reverent Prayer
To which Chris whispers back, "Tuesday."
At this point Parker whispers, "Next Tuesday."
Loudly, "I already said Tuesday, Buddy."
Parker, "You didn't say next Tuesday."
Louder, "I did too, say Tuesday!"
Chris prompting, "In the name..."
McKay, "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Chris the Awesome
1. When I am eating and reading in bed at night, he looks at me and says, "Are you getting crumbs in my bed again?" Then he brushes the crumbs towards my side of the bed and makes the crummy bed in the morning.
2. He truly believes I don't know how to start the lawnmower. Times I have mowed the lawn in eight years of marriage--zero.
3. He picks up the towel I carelessly toss on the floor every morning and hangs it up.
4. He hung his Stinker Station bumper stinker that reads, "Ask me about my gas," on the wall of the garage, and not on his car.
5. Today I had to fill out a reimbursement form for Activity Days. "I'm not doing this for you again," he told me. The next hour he handed me the form. "But I'm not filling it out." So I wrote my name on it, checked the box for activity days, and then I realized something dreadful. This form required me to do math! Aaagghhh! I am math-impaired. "Chris," I said, handing him the form, "I can't figure out the tax."
"Well, what's six percent of $7.98?"
"If I knew that I wouldn't be handing you this form to finish for me."
6. He taught me the trick to getting Deacon to fall asleep is to sing, "If You Could Hie to Kolob." I have no idea why this works, but Deacon's eyelid's start drooping as he contemplates the meaning of "hie," and he is snoozing by the time we get to "...there is no end to this song..."
7. He understands if I want M&M's, rocky road ice cream, or tacos at 9:30 at night, it is his duty to get in the car and go find me some.
8. He realizes this post is going to count as the Father's Day card I did not give him today.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Little Red Hen
Now usually I make freezer jam, because I am pretty skilled when it comes to stirring. If you've ever made freezer jam, you know that all you do is stir the ingredients together, pour the jam in containers, and pop them in the freezer. This is the extent of my home canning, because other types of canning requires a little something I call "effort." I would much rather lay on the couch and read my book while ignoring my children. But somehow, this whole Mormon canning adventure appealed to me, so I decided to try it.
First we picked the cherries. Very fun.
Then we cleaned the cherries, pitted the cherries, pureed the cherries, pulled the pits we missed out of the cherry puree, sugared and cooked the jam, poured it in the bottles, applied lids, rings, and then plunged it in the canner for a hot water bath. This took something called "time." I felt like the Little Red Hen, by the end of the process. If only I'd grown the cherry tree myself....
Now, surprisingly, this did not suck. My sister, my mom, and I were having a fun time. We were like jean wearing pioneers. If we'd been singing, "As Sisters in Zion," I'm sure our eternal salvation would have been a done deal.
To finish on a sweet note--the cherry jam I had for breakfast this morning was so yummy. Totally worth the effort. And now I think I hear a book calling me.....