Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Today I am biking along on my exercise bike, when for no apparent reason, Chris comes over, starts pushing buttons, and bumps my resistance level up from a one to a two.

"Aaaaagh!" I shriek. "Not a two! Move it back! Move it back!"

"I don't understand how you exercise. I thought the point of exercise was to strengthen your muscles and burn calories."

"No. My point is to ride the bike for exactly fifteen minutes while I multi-task scripture reading."

"But don't you want to make your workout more effective?"

"No. Go away. You're sweaty."

At which point, Chris tried to give me a sweaty hug. Luckily I had my scriptures to block him, and they ended up all sweaty instead of me. Talk about the word of God being a shield and a protector.

Chris does not get Kodie exercise. He has never sat on the couch and just watched the exercise video, hoping to flatten his stomach through osmosis. He never went to a yoga class like I did, and after twenty minutes decided to take a rest on the mat. "Are you o.k.?" a classmate asked me. "Yeah, I'm just waiting for an easier yoga move." He never went to a step aerobic class and when the instructor let the class take a water break, actually just walked out of the class. He never skipped enrichment, because the class was on fitness, and he would rather lay in his bed in his pajamas reading a book and eating peanut M&M's.

However, he did just walk in the door from taking Parker to school and announce, "I stopped at Maverik and got a hot dog for breakfast. It was good."

I love that man.


Holly said...

Sounds like my kind of exercise! Who says lifting the M&M's to your mouth won't strengthen your biceps, right? Between that and chewing, you're basically burning most of the calories anyway.

Brigette said...

You're funny. You're also lucky that you can CHOOSE to exercise unlike some people (like me) that don't have a choice. I really liked your post about Christopher. As I was reading, in between laughs, I was nodding and thinking, yep, yep, and yep.

mom said...

Dad gets to take credit for your creative writing abilities. I gave you the "hate to exercise" gene.

Sarah said...

I totally watch the Biggest Loser and eat dessert every week!!! Needless to say I have at least 10 or 15 more pounds to lose after this baby.

Jil said...

Man you're such a slacker Kodie! Christopher is amazing, take note.

(Does this get me out of the dog house for my comment on your last post?)

Christopher said...

hmmmm I will consider your offering...
