Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Coupon Crazy

I never used to coupon. I always said my time was worth more than the money I would save couponing. Then it struck me. What was I doing with my time? Changing diapers? Scrubbing toilets? Maybe couponing wouldn't be so bad...

So I started in on my couponing adventures, and before I knew it, I was addicted. It has become a game to see how much I can get for little to nothing. Chris can't understand how excited I get over grocery shopping. However, he was very supportive during the Dr. Pepper sale. When I got 4 12-packs of Diet Dr. Pepper for $1.22 (That price includes tax!), he told me, "This is the best thing you've ever got couponing!" So 28 cases later, we have our year supply of Caffeine-Free Diet Dr. Pepper. Hey, we're just trying to follow the prophet here.

But on to yesterday. I took a picture of all the groceries I bought. Chris told me, "Someday you're going to look back at that picture, and think, 'I'm such a dork.'" He's probably right. Here's the picture.

Guess how much this cost. O.k. before coupons it cost $32.22. Then I had $15 of coupons, so I paid $17.22. But wait--there's more! Then coupons for $15 of store vouchers printed off. So it was like I'd got all those groceries for $2.22. But wait--there's even more! Then a survey printed off, which I did online, which gave me two more dollars of free groceries! So I paid $17.22, and I now have coupons for $17 of free groceries. It's like I bought all those groceries for $.22!

O.k. I got that out of my system. Now I promise to never post the details of my grocery shopping trips again.


Sarah said...

Thats awesome Kodie there are some people around here that subscribe to like 5 Sunday papers just for the coupons especially for stuff like cereal and shampoos and stuff like that. You can get some really good deals but it doesn take a little time and organization.


You're one smart cookie! It's a game of sorts to coupon.

I laughed about the Dr. Pepper food storage. It's the one kind of pop I would want in my food storage!

mom said...

I'm kind of addicted to the "game" myself, but it does take time to plan it all out.

Holly said...

I have a friend that always gets good deals like that & I even went to a class about couponing but I still havent gotten started...nothing like a little procrastination!
