Thursday, August 6, 2009

Primary Activity

Parker and McKay had a primary activity, and they invited our neighbor, MaKenna, to come with them. On the drive to the church, however, Parker started getting nervous. "Mom, I don't think this is a good idea. MaKenna's not Mormon. I don't think she can come inside." I tried to reassure him that it was fine. Being the rule Nazi child that he is, he was anxious that it was against some sort of code. MaKenna was also trying to smooth things over with him. "I love Mormons. They're awesome. When I grow up I'm going to marry one." Parker thought this over for a second and said, "Well, you could marry me."

And this is when I realized my gospel teaching has been less than stellar. In Parker's mind it is much better to marry a non-member than allow one to step inside a Mormon church.

1 comment:


Kodie, you make me laugh! You are so funny!
