Friday, September 11, 2009

Driving Disasters

I should have realized today would be a bad driving day, when as I backed out of my driveway, my neighbor called, "You have a basketball stuck under your van."

Yes, I did. Thank you Deacon. I don't know why it didn't just roll away, but it was stuck. I had to do a series of driving forward and backward to finally get it free. I don't want to know what the neighbors thought. But I was on my way until I glanced in my mirror.

I accidentally took out my mirror on Wednesday, when I backed out of the garage and whacked into the wheelbarrow hanging on the wall. I was going to go get the mirror fixed this morning, so I just stuck it back in as best I could and started driving. Well, when I glanced into the mirror, I noticed it was pointing down, and therefore doing me no good, so I decided I would just push it up a little bit.

This was when my mirror fell off onto Meridian road. I had driven all of approximately one block. So I pulled over, turned on my flashers, and collected my mirror from the road, all without dying. This time I threw my mirror onto the passenger seat, deciding to get this fixed as soon as I filled the van up with gas.

I had been driving for a good two minutes when I heard an unusual sound out my window. My window was unrolled, because the air conditioner that I have now fixed twice (Good-bye $1200) is broken again. What now? I think. I'm beginning to think my van is falling to pieces, or possibly pieces are falling off of it again. Then the sound changes into a rhythmic thump, thump, and I have a good guess what's wrong. I pull into the Fred Meyer parking lot, and my suspicion is confirmed--I have a flat tire.

Our secondhand van did not come with a spare tire, and it never occurred to me to get one until this moment. I called Chris, who was in a meeting, and he told me he would help me take care of it after his meeting.

So for a good hour and a half, the kids and I roamed the aisles of Fred Meyer. I now know every single toy that Fred Meyer's carries, and which ones McKay would like for her birthday. (All the girl ones.) I also now own three cans of tuna, a bag of fun-size Snickers bars, and a pair of little girl Sunday shoes.

So my knight finally rode up in his glistening, unbroken, white car to rescue me. I drove home in said car, while he dealt with tow trucks, new tires, etc. I was so happy to be driving a functioning, air-conditioned vehicle. Though the occasional dinging sound was unnerving. (Note to self: Cars will periodically ding at you if you drive with the trunk open.) I was glad to be home with my bad car luck behind me. I let Deacon out of the car, and he instantly walked right into the open car door and whacked his head.

I have to pick Parker up from school in an hour and a half. I'm thinking we better walk.


Sarah said...

I am sorry but I was totally laughing, I hear you on van problems our brakes were making some noise last week so we took it in since we were heading to Wyoming at the end of the week $175 later and new brakes on the back tires that shouldn't go bad till 120,000 miles that only have 37,000 on them and it really makes you wonder what will happen next. Hopefully you can laugh about this day sometime in the future!!!


I feel terrible about laughing too, but this blog was so hilarious, as was the previous one.

I guess it's because I can totally relate. The title of your blog fits it perfectly - Patience is a Virtue -

You really are quite gifted at writing. You have a talent for pulling in your reader, making every day irritations funny, and wrapping up your stories delightfully well.

Thanks for sharing your great sense of humor with us.

Shirley said...

Ah, Kodie I really miss you around here. Hmmm, I guess you never really were around HERE... but sometimes I think everyone around is so boring - then I read one of your posts and I realize everyone really IS boring! ;) This was so funny, and Parker's poo conversation was hilarious - I could totally see it.

Emily said...

Wow! What a day!

hardlycreative said...

that is a fabulous story!!!

Brigette said...

I wish my life was as exciting as yours.
