Sunday, November 8, 2009


Sometimes things don't break in our home, and one of those times is today. Not only that but many of our broken things are now fixed thanks to good people in my life. (Very sappy post ahead.)

My sister, Riki, told me that when you pay your tithing, maybe you don't get rich, but somehow things just work out. And things are working out.

First, the van. I wanted to flush the van down our toilet. But, wait, I couldn't do that because our toilet was broken. We asked our friend from the ward what to do with our piece of crap toilet. He is a plumber, and he knows about crappy toilets. He offered to come look at it, came over last Saturday morning, and fixed our toilet free of charge. Bless you good ward friends.

And speaking of good wards friends, we decided to go out to breakfast that same Saturday. We opened our door and found a pile of goodies from an anonymous friend on our door. When we got to JB's, we randomly pulled in at the exact same time as some other good friends from our ward. We all ate breakfast together and had a great time. Then while we were fattening ourselves up at the buffet, this friend paid not only for his family to eat breakfast but ours as well. When we went to pay, we found that our meal had already been paid for. Thank you friends.

So back to our van. I took it in to the mechanic on Friday. After several hours of running tests on it, they still could not locate the leak. The guy there told me he could charge me for some replacement parts, but he would really just be guessing at where the leak was. So instead, he cleared the check engine code for me and suggested I go retake my emissions test before the check engine light came back on. Here is the amazing part. Not only was he so nice and honest, he did not charge me a cent for all the hours he spent trying to locate the leak on my van. I hurried back to Jiffy Lube and retook my emissions test, and my van passed. I was ecstatic when the van passed, and apparently it showed, because the Jiffy Lube guy told me, "I have never seen anyone so excited to pass the emissions test."

Cost to fix toilet--nothing. Cost to go out to eat as a family--nothing. Cost to make van pass emission test--nothing. Pretty impressive. And I didn't even coupon.


Shirley said...

Wow Kodie, you gave me chills all over! :) I'm so glad things worked out so... awesome! You must feel very loved, and you definitely deserve it. :)

mom said...

Prayers work. Miracles happen. People are good. I've also had several experiences like that lately.

GG said...

Beautiful. :)

Brigette said...

That is a great story. It makes you want to do nice things for others.

boo face mcjones said...

what a miracle. it's amazing how the lord really does bless us. it may not be exactly how we want it or when we want it, but it's always so much more than i ever expect.

glad things are (hopefully) turning around for you guys! you're in our prayers!

Holly said...

I'm glad thongs are looking up for you guys, what Riki said about tithing is deffinatley true. What a great blessing to see the Lord's hand in your life! He is mindful of us and knows our trials.

Jil said...

That's fantastic! I'm so glad you shared!
