Friday, December 4, 2009

School Days

I volunteer in Parker's classroom every other Friday. I love it! Usually I have to hurry back after my volunteering shift to pick up my kids from my friend's house, feed them lunch, put Deacon down for a nap, etc., etc. But today Chris was watching the kids which meant I got to eat hot lunch with Parker.

Parker had a lot of instructions for me. "Hold up one finger to the lunch ladies for lunch choice one. Don't get the orange cream milk. It tastes like gross melted ice cream. You don't have to get the carrot sticks. You squirt the ketchup on your tray right here."

I think Parker really needed his mom to eat lunch with him, because he had a rough day at school yesterday. During PE he collided with another boy from his class, hit the gym floor hard, and ended up with a black eye. I was trying to console him about the eye. "I think it's pretty manly to have your first black eye," I told him.

He looked at me disbelieving, "Mom, men get black eyes from fist fights and football, NOT PE!"

I taught McKay's preschool class yesterday. I have a group of three other moms, and we each teach one Thursday a month. My biggest battle is keeping this all girl group out of the princess dress-ups and princess dolls. (You can see I failed yesterday.)

We were doing an art project, making paper plate wreaths. I noticed one girl was really getting into it, and I said, "Wow, Kiana's really going to town."

To which McKay responded by a fury of green leaf gluing. "Mom, look at me. I'm going to town, too."

Natasha looked up, puzzled. "Where's town?"

Deacon. Deacon's not quite to the school stage yet. Here's hoping for a football scholarship.

3 comments: said...

Maybe he can take Max Hall's place in the bowl game in a couple of weeks :).

Your blog is a little piece of sanity in my life. I love it!

mom said...

It's good to know that you can pass down the outgrown football helmets too.

Minister of Chainsaws said...

For the record, we love your blog over here at the Jones household.
Also- if you want, you can let Parker know that I've broken my nose three times, all of which resulted in two black eyes each. And I got every one of those broken noses while playing basketball, which I think is somewhere between P.E. and football.
