Monday, October 12, 2009

McKay's Perceptions

Yesterday McKay asks me, "How does Jesus go from heaven to earth?"
Me: "We don't really know."
Parker: "I think he takes a highway...a highway to heaven."
Chris: "Only Michael Landon takes that highway."
McKay: "I know the answer! He has faith."
Oh, thank you, McKay for putting us all in our place. I guess I'll have to believe you know what your talking about. So this next comment I heard from her in church must be true.
McKay pats my neck and says, "Mom, your neck is the most beautiful part of your whole body." Well, I guess I knew stomach wasn't going to be a contender for the number one spot.


Mom said...

She was keeping us both entertained. I loved the "girly" look she gave me when she crossed her legs and showed me her "high heels".

Emily said...

That's cause you've got sweet neck meat! (Lest you've forgotten..."sweet neck meat" is from Napolean Dynamite. I always have to clarify because I once said something about sweet neck meat to someone who had no clue that it came from a movie. They thought it was a very odd comment.)

Shirley said...

So cute - I love Mckay! And you TOTALLY didn't catch my sarcasm - that was the Anne Morrison park! :) haha, I was laughing about that. I just wish I had time to visit while I was there... sorry.
Porter still asks when we're going to visit Parker again, so we'll make it there some day. :)
