Friday, August 14, 2009

A Week's Worth of Pictures

Deacon hugging his cousin, Gideon.

The entire neighborhood playing in my backyard. Ever since we got the kittens, we have been the most popular house on the street. One day I was in the kitchen when I heard the front door open. I peeked out to see if Parker had coming in from playing, only to see my neighbor, Maddi, walking through my front door. She walked straight through, and out into the backyard where the kittens were, and where her sister was climbing over the fence. "Hello, Maddi," I called. She didn't respond. "Don't mind me. I just live here."

Nephi (Parker), Sam (McKay), and Lehi (Deacon) building a ship, shocking Laman and Lemuel, and sailing to the promised land.
Parker to McKay, "We only have one other righteous brother, Jacob."
Me: "That's not true you also have Joseph."
Parker: "He's not in the movie." (Living Scriptures)
Me: "Yes, but he's in the real scriptures."
Parker: "Are you sure?"
(Later there was weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth when told they had to clean up the ship.)

A mother quail and her chicks on my back fence.

McKay and Deacon being kitties. They ate their dinner on the floor, and drank their milk out of bowls.

Other events of the week not pictured: children sitting in comatose state in front of the t.v., Deacon dumping somewhere around 42 glasses of milk and water on the floor, daily meltdown at chore time, and the following conversation I had with McKay this morning.
McKay: "Mommy, I wish I didn't look like me. I wish I looked like my friends."
Me: "Why? You're beautiful."
McKay: "Because they have cuter clothes than me. Do these clothes you put on me even match?"

Please, please, please can I not go through this stage for eight, nine more years?


Mom said...

Good luck in 8 or 9 years! Sounds like you're going to need it.

Brigette said...

Great as always.
Hey, btw, has the capes in. Look at the website and email me what you want and I will have it ordered this week.

Jenna said...

Kodie- you are awesome. I wish you were here instead of there. :( Sorry about the trip...I'll call you soon on my way home from work this week!
