Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of School

Some children look forward to the first day of school. Parker isn't one of them. He does fine academically and socially. He just hates giving up all that playing time. Whenever any one asked him if he was excited for school, he responded, "I don't think my vacation was long enough." Yesterday he told me, "You know what was wrong with this summer vacation? All we did was work."

This morning Parker asks, "Mom, why are you taking my picture? You already took my picture on the first day of first grade."

As we are walking out the door, "Here goes another horrible day."

After school I ask, "How was school?"
Parker: "O.k."
Me: "What was the best part?"
Parker: "Recess."
McKay: "I missed you, Buddy, while you were at school."
Parker: "Someday you'll learn school isn't that great."


mom said...

Do I detect a "Mom, don't take my picture here!" look on Parker's face?

Sarah said...

I love Parkers complete honesty.
