Monday, December 21, 2009

Naughty or Nice?

This morning Parker asks me, "If you are on the naughty list do you still get the presents from your family?"


"So, basically you just get coal in your stocking and no presents from Santa."


"Whew. I can live with that."

"Are you concerned about being on the naughty list?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I am. I bug my sister everyday."

He's got a point. "You know there's four days left until Christmas. You could repent."

A light flashes in Parker's eyes. "Hmmm, repentance....."


Holly said...

That's the same thing I've been telling my kids for the past month! I wonder how early in 2010 I can start using Santa as a bribe...

Sarah said...

I love the way Parker thinks he his hilarious!!

mom said...

Isn't repentance a wonderful thing?
