Monday, June 22, 2009

Reverent Prayer

Tonight at the dinner table, Chris called on McKay to pray. It went something like this: "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the food. Thank you for mommy, daddy, Buddy, Deacon." Then she lets out quite possibly the loudest burp of her life. Pausing only long enough to let the burp escape, "Thank you for my doll, Dora. Thank you that we get to go to Nana and Papa's condo. I mean Idaho Falls house on....(whispering) What day are we going there?"
To which Chris whispers back, "Tuesday."
At this point Parker whispers, "Next Tuesday."
Loudly, "I already said Tuesday, Buddy."
Parker, "You didn't say next Tuesday."
Louder, "I did too, say Tuesday!"
Chris prompting, "In the name..."
McKay, "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Anonymous said...

At least you start every meal with a smile!

Brigette said...

good times, eh?

Sarah said...

Love prayers like that where everyone is so helpful.

boo face mcjones said...

you are coming next tuesday? WONDERFUL!

Annie said...

well at least she didnt do it in Sacrament meeting and the entire congregation turned around in awe.

Christopher said...

And I quote,
-Annie Davis age 1_
