Friday, November 20, 2009

Check Yes or No

I am going through Parker's backpack, when I find a folded note with a heart on the front. It reads "To Parker." Of course, being a curious, non-privacy respecting mom, I open it up to find the following message: (Typed as written) "Parker you are so funny Will you be my friend? Raegan"

Raegan is about the cutest girl I have ever seen. I was just volunteering in Parker's class yesterday, noticing how adorable she is. So I said to Parker. "I saw the note from Raegan in your backpack. What did you think about it?"

Parker replies, "There were too many staples in it, and I had to pull them all out."

Umm, not what I was getting at. "Did you answer her?"

"Yeah, I said the answer would be either 'no' or 'maybe.'"

Alright. I guess he's not smitten yet.


mom said...

I picked out a cute girl for Jace in the single's ward and he wax equally unimpressed.

mom said...

Make that WAS unimpressed.

boo face mcjones said...

i suppose it's a good thing he isn't girl crazy just yet. hopefully he learns to let girls down with a little more tenderness in the future.
