Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kodie the Brave

Big Announcement: Today I killed a hobo spider.

I am not a spider-killer by profession for a good reason--spiders are creepy. So usually when I see a spider I call Chris to kill it. If he's not here, then I go far away from the spider, pretending it doesn't exist. However, when I saw a hobo spider in my kids' outdoor toy box, I knew I had to act. The thought of the hobo mistaking my children's hands as spider food was terrifying. So I grabbed the closest available weapon, a plastic purple child-size garden hoe, and tried bludgeoning the thing. Here's something you may not know: Hobos are very fast spiders. The creature was zipping all around the box, over balls and bats and through toy trucks. I chased it with my hoe, screaming the entire time, but to no avail. So I ran to the garage, grabbed some insect poison and began dousing it. It would not die. Finally, about half a gallon of bug spray later, it started to slow. I decided I would have to go for the spider squash. I hate squishing bugs, because often they have a Lazarus-like quality. Just when you think they're dead and your screams have subsided, Bam! Up they pop. But I gathered up every last morsel of courage, and squished that spider. Eeewww! I still have goose bumps.

I have conquered the spider. And the toy box is once again safe. That is, it will be safe once the gallon of poison dries....


Em said...

Scary...and icky
Did you know that I'm your biggest fan? I love this blog.

Jil said...

Kodie I'm so proud of you, because I think you approach insects the same way I do. I understand what a feat that was. Well done! Congratulations!

Sarah said...

Way to go I am not sure I would have been that brave. I hate spiders too. Its amazing the things we will do for our kids though.

Holly said...

EW! Good job on killing it though! And the Transformers birthday party looks like fun, what a cute idea. I'm sure Parker loved it!
