Monday, November 30, 2009

Contemplations on Motherhood

I picture my young childless self in my relatively fashionable and unstained clothing pondering what life would be like as a mother. My vision at the time might have included something like me catching my child as he slides down the slide or cuddling under the blankets and reading a story together with all my children. And while I might not have envisioned a white minivan with Cheerios spilling out of every crevice or a pantry stocked with a year's supply of mac and cheese, those things wouldn't have surprised me.

Some things about motherhood have come as a surprise. For instance, instead of catching Deacon as he slides down the slide, I catch him as he jumps off the top of the slide. The following pictures captured in my house today, were not in my original motherhood vision.

I never thought there would be more on the outside of my fridge than in it.

I never thought that that keeping a roll of toilet paper rolled would be a difficulty.

I never thought I would find lunch meat on my stairs.


moom said...

Well, you wouldn't let McKay have the knife. She probably dropped the meat on her way upstairs to her play dishes.

Cathy Brooksby said...

I love motherhood, there are so many things that are not what you expected, most of them are happy suprises.

boo face mcjones said...

ha! the lunch meat cracked me up. this stuff is just too, too good.

Christopher said...

mmmm... stair meat.
