Sunday, June 21, 2009

Chris the Awesome

Every time I tell Chris I posted on my blog, he asks me, "Did you blog about how awesome I am?" (I am not kidding about this.) So in honor of Father's Day, here is a post about how awesome Chris is.

1. When I am eating and reading in bed at night, he looks at me and says, "Are you getting crumbs in my bed again?" Then he brushes the crumbs towards my side of the bed and makes the crummy bed in the morning.

2. He truly believes I don't know how to start the lawnmower. Times I have mowed the lawn in eight years of marriage--zero.

3. He picks up the towel I carelessly toss on the floor every morning and hangs it up.

4. He hung his Stinker Station bumper stinker that reads, "Ask me about my gas," on the wall of the garage, and not on his car.

5. Today I had to fill out a reimbursement form for Activity Days. "I'm not doing this for you again," he told me. The next hour he handed me the form. "But I'm not filling it out." So I wrote my name on it, checked the box for activity days, and then I realized something dreadful. This form required me to do math! Aaagghhh! I am math-impaired. "Chris," I said, handing him the form, "I can't figure out the tax."
"Well, what's six percent of $7.98?"
"If I knew that I wouldn't be handing you this form to finish for me."

6. He taught me the trick to getting Deacon to fall asleep is to sing, "If You Could Hie to Kolob." I have no idea why this works, but Deacon's eyelid's start drooping as he contemplates the meaning of "hie," and he is snoozing by the time we get to "...there is no end to this song..."

7. He understands if I want M&M's, rocky road ice cream, or tacos at 9:30 at night, it is his duty to get in the car and go find me some.

8. He realizes this post is going to count as the Father's Day card I did not give him today.


Anonymous said...

He really does have a beautiful voice. I've noticed that he never complains about going to the store!I'm impressed.


I loved this post. Kodie, you are hilarious!
Your blog is one of my very favorites!

And Chris - you are awesome!

Shirley said...

hahaha, I love this post! you're hilarious. :)
