Friday, December 11, 2009

Being Married to a Davis Man

Yesterday I got Deacon's hair cut. I went to pay, and they were having problems with their credit card machine. "Do you have cash?" the clerk asked.

"Yes," I said, "but that's good daughter-in-law money, and I'm not spending it on a haircut."

"Good daughter-in-law money?"

"My father-in-law gives me money, I believe, as payment for staying married to his son."


"Yes, Davis men spoil the women in their lives. I think they are amazed that not only did we pick them, but we also stick with them."

Now I may not go to work everyday, but I do have the job of being married to Chris, a Davis, and that is its own special job in itself.

Have you ever seen a Davis man sick? Specifically, my Davis man? Let's just say its a good thing I deal with the childbearing aspect of the marriage.

Chris: "When I'm gone, I want you to use the insurance money to pay off the house. Wait, better yet, get me the insurance guy's phone number. Maybe we can increase our coverage."

Me: "You have a cold. You need a Sudafed."

Chris: "A Sudafed won't help me now. Kiss me one last time."

Me (kissing him on the head): "Here's a Diet Coke."

(An hour later) Chris: "I feel much better. Your love must have cured me."

Me: "Either that or the Sudafed I ground up and stuck in your Diet Coke."

Also maybe not all Davis men, but mine would starve if he wasn't married to me. His bachelor diet of Wendy's and corn dogs attests to this, as does his current cooking abilities.

(True conversation, occurring approximately three weeks ago.)

Me: "I'm going to be gone at lunch time today. Could you please feed the kids Mac-n-Cheese?"

Chris: "How do I make that?"

Davis men's OCD tendencies would drive lesser women insane.

After having been married to Chris for several years, I walk into the closet to notice he has taken down a pile of new laundered and folded shirts. He is unfolding them and refolding them.

Me: "What are you doing to those shirts that I just folded and put away?"

Chris: "I am refolding them. I didn't like the way you folded them."

Me: "Grrrrr."

There are some job perks of being married to a Davis. They like strong women.

(Conversation occurring yesterday.)

Me: "What would your life be like if you had married the doting, supportive type of wife?"

Chris (teasing): "I don't know. Infinitely happy?"

Me: "You're supposed to say you would be a big wuss if you hadn't married me."

Of course the biggest perk is how much they absolutely love and adore the women in their lives.

Chris: "Do you know how lucky I am to have you?"

Me: "I love you, too."

Chris: "Hey, you didn't say, 'Yes, yes, I do' like you normally do."

Me: "At this point that goes without saying."


hardlycreative said...

its like looking into a blog mirror...

Holly said...

Hmmm...where's MY good daughter-in-law money?! I'm going to have to bring this concept to my in-law's attention :)

Cathy Brooksby said...

I love people who are in love, so glad you love you husband and he loves you. I am always telling dave how lucky he is to have me and he always agrees.

Dad said...

You are insightful and hilarious. I might add that both traits show high heritability from the paternal side of your family. Keep the blogs coming and lets see if we can get you a syndicated column somewhere.

Jil said...

I'm glad the good the good daughter-in-law money is working. Is it wrong to say that I think I may like you better than my own brother? No offense to Christopher who I'm sure will hear about that, but let's face it, Kodie rocks!

Christopher said...

WHAT?! I saved you from years of horrific other brother treatment (yes it could have been worse)and this is the thanks I get? I am hurt. :(

But Kodie really is great. I kinda understand.

Unknown said...

Kodie your blogs always make me laugh thanks for sharing!
