Sunday, August 2, 2009

How the Davis Family Spends a Saturday

Deacon: Making the kittens wish for their quiet life before they met us.

McKay: Dancing with her ballet class at the Meridian Farmer's Market.
Parker: Whining about how much he hates doing chores.
Chris: Taking care of the kids and doing yard work to balance out the two days spent golfing this week.
Kodie: School clothes, school supplies, and grocery shopping. Highlight: Getting the supreme first parking spot, directly in front of the doors, Saturday night. That never happens to me. Walmart? Saturday? I almost took a picture, it was so amazing.
Could it get any more exciting at our house? Parking spots? Yard work? What a great day.

1 comment:

mom said...

I love the picture of Deacon and the cat!
