Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Broken Home

September has been the month were everything we owned decided to break. Of course there was the broken mirror and the flat tire on the van. Then Deacon took a wedding picture of me and Chris and threw it on the ground, causing it to break. I looked at the picture of us smiling, now covered in a piece of shattered glass, and I said, "If I took a picture of this, I would call it 'A Broken Marriage.'" Chris said, "Please don't even joke about that. That breaks me heart." Well, it is the month to break things, so I would have gone ahead and taken that picture and posted it on my blog if my digital camera hadn't decided to break. Never fear, nothing fixes life's dilemma like chocolate, right? So when Parker asked for a chocolate milkshake, I pulled out the blender poured the ice cream and milk in and started pushing buttons. In theory this should create a milkshake, but in practice my blender decided to blow up.

But September is almost over, and we've also started to run out of things to break, so I thought we were in for a reprieve. Yesterday I loaded the kids into the van (after finding a new pair of shoes for McKay, since her old sandals broke.), and headed out to run errands. All was well until I got a call from Parker's school. "Mrs. Davis? Parker got hit in the face with a soccer ball at recess. His glasses broke in half." Of course they did.

One new pair of glasses later, Parker asked me if he could do some crazy little boy stunt. "No," I told him, "You will break your leg, and you are only allowed to break one thing per month." Chris who was listening, said, "Don't you think you should lengthen out his quota? A new month starts on Thursday." Dang it.


Sarah said...

I hate times like that and it always seems like when it rains it pours. I hope Oct. is a better month for you. I don't usually look at it like what broke but that everyone seems to want all my money!!!

Mom said...

Please tell me that the broken glasses were NOT his new glasses! And, also, is Parker O.K.?
