Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year, New Events

Here's what's new for the Davis family in 2009:
--Chris--nothing, sorry you're not exciting honey. Oh, wait, Chris has been getting up early to lift weights every morning. Good for you! He wakes me up, too. Some days I get up. Then I usually do one or two sit ups and watch him do the rest. I'm exercising through osmosis...
--Kodie--I finally got a calling. It's been four months in our ward, and a large part of me felt like I should feel bad about not having a calling yet, but an even larger part of me knew that I didn't feel bad at all. I was loving being calling-free. However, as of Sunday, I am officially an Activity Days Leader for the 10 and 11 year old girls. Yeah! This is my dream calling. About five years ago, I decided to figure out what was the ideal church calling. It had to be fun, not require teaching every single Sunday, and not involve a lot of pointless, long-winded meetings. I decided it was being an Activity Days Leader, and I have been coveting that calling since. So, uh, dream fulfilled.
--Parker--is finally back in school. Hallelujah! That squirrely little boy needs to be back with friends and recess before he drove his family crazy.
--McKay--is a Sunbeam. Parker told me and Chris that he would walk McKay to Sunbeams on Sunday, because he knew the way. We could walk behind them as long as we promised not to look at them or talk to them.
--Deacon--is officially allergic to penicillin--the doctor confirmed my mother diagnosis today. The antibiotics for his ear infection caused him to break out in head to toe hives.
Also we bought nightstands for our bedroom, so we are no longer using apple boxes. The excitement never ends here.....


Anonymous said...

What fun! Poor little Deacon though. I can't wait until Porter is in Kindergarten... better yet, 1st grade! He will thrive on a full day of learning & playing. Sounds like lots of fun in the Davis world! :)

Sarah said...

It makes you feel old when your kids enter primary and all day school, can't believe McKay is already that big. Sierra is allergic to penacillin too she had a rash once when she was little too. The flip side you now get to pay for the $100 dollar medicine instead when they get sick, it is a reall bummmer pray for health.
