Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who's the Boss

On Saturday Parker threw a truly terrific fit in Wal-Mart over me not buying him chapstick. So I gave him a consequence, which didn't bode well with him. He appealed to Chris. "Dad, make mom take away my consequence. You can make her do it, because you are the boss of her." To which Chris responded, "You obviously haven't been paying much attention to this relationship. Husbands aren't the bosses of their wives." So Parker yelled, "FINE! I'M NEVER GETTING MARRIED!!!"


Huiying said...

well.. he made me laughed! yeah, let see if u won't get married.. ;P

Sarah said...

That is so funny!!!!! My kids know who is the boss they actually think Steve is not a boss. Poor Steve! Sometimes I remind them that he is a boss too when I am tired of being in charge.

Holly said...

Oh, public trantrums are the WORST! I just got back from shopping with my boys and my 2-year-old was upset because I wouldn't buy him a train book. I'm past the point of caring about the annoyed looks from the other shoppers but tantrums sure are frustrating for us moms!
That's too funny that he doesn't want to get married now :)

Brigette said...

I wish Brooklyn would say that once in a while. It seems all she ever talks about is her wedding day.
