Monday, February 28, 2011

Speckled Frogs

Family Home Evening starts out fairly ordinary with our family singing, "Five Little Speckled Frogs." This is a family favorite, and Deacon is jumping off the couch into the "water" licking up imaginary bugs off the floor. After prayer, it's Deacon's turn for scripture.

"Say 'Blessed are the pure in heart,'" I begin.

"No, I don't like that scripture," he says. "I want to do my own scripture."

He grabs a blue marker and scribbles circles all over a paper. "I drew a scripture."

"What does it say?"

"It says the Lamanites were sitting on a log, and they jumped in the pool with the speckled frogs."

"The Lamanites, huh?"

"Yeah, and then there were three people left and Nephi said, 'Don't jump in Lemuel.' But he jumped in the pool. Then Nephi said, 'Don't jump in the pool, Sam.' But he jumped in. Then Nephi was left. And he jumped in the water."

Parker, laughing, "You should blog about this mom."



mom said...

The good thing is that he thinks scriptures are fun! (Also, I'm impressed that he's been listening well enough to know all of their names)

Christopher said...

I like the analogy of Laman and Lemual to slimy semi aquatic bug eaters.

hardlycreative said...

your family is hilarious.

Emily said...

Deacon is so smart and funny!

Martha said...

I love reading your blog it always makes me laugh. Sometimes I have to becareful reading it at work. Many times people think I am laughing at myself here in my cube!
