Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Parker needed a haircut. I hate cutting Parker's hair. Parker hates having me cut his hair. The last time I cut his hair Chris said, "He looks like a monk."

So I had to use some bribery to convince Parker to sit still. He's trying to earn the Lego Star Wars Visual Dictionary with a good behavior chart. "I'll let you color in four squares on your chart if you let me cut your hair."


Thirty seconds into the haircut, "This is definitely worth five squares."

Two minutes into the haircut, "Why don't you make dad go through this?"

"Because dad would be too whiny about it."

"Even whinier than me?"

We suffered through the haircut together. My haircutting skills are limited, but my ability to get hair down the shirt, in the eyes, etc. is stellar. "Alright your done."

"I think I deserve eight squares."

"Give me a good reason why you should get eight squares."

"There's hair down my underwear."

"Eight squares it is."


Christopher said...

I am not whiny! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!

mom said...

I promise a haircutting cape from Sally Beauty will change both of your lives.

Riki said...

Your hair cutting stories totally crack me up! I laughed out loud!
