Monday, October 4, 2010


This morning I woke up at 5:45, because I had a weird dream. It was not as weird as the dream I had last week. I told Chris about it when he woke up.

Me: "I was very mad at you in my dream last night."

Chris: "Not again."

Me: "We were in Idaho Falls touring a US Mint. There were coins laying all over the place, and you were allowed to pick them up and put them in your pocket. Then when you got done with the tour, it became like Chuck E. Cheese's."

Chris: "That makes sense."

Me: "You exchanged your coins for a little piece of paper that said how much money you'd earned. Then you took your paper to the prize counter and got a prize."

Chris: "Obviously."

Me: "So when we got done with the tour I had $500 in coins. The worker people weren't sure if they could give me that much prize money since most people only had about $10."

Chris: "Were your pockets bursting at the seams?"

Me: "No, and that's besides the point. So I'm standing at the prize counter, deciding that I will forfeit most of my winnings in exchange for a pizza. Suddenly, you come up and say you've talked to the manager. I can keep all my money, because you've donated it to charity. At this point I become livid."

Chris: "Because I did something nice?"

Me: "Because I really wanted a pizza! And you'd donated all my pizza money!!!"

Chris: "Um, I sorry for trying to do the right thing in your dream."

Me: "I never got my pizza!!!!"

Chris: "I hate it when my real self gets in trouble for things that my dream self did. If I buy you a pizza will you stop being mad at me?"

Me: "Deal."

So this morning after my weird dream, I tried to lay back in bed and fix it in my mind. The fix wouldn't take. So I got up and went to Walmart to do my grocery shopping. McKay was awake, and she didn't want to stay home with the sleeping boys, so she came with me. Her hair was sticking up in a million directions. I considered combing it, but I was too lazy. Ducky followed me around the store trying to get me to buy goat's milk and asking me my opinion on Bigfoot. McKay told me she didn't like it when Ducky follows us around the store.

Chris came home at the end of the day and announced, "I have had the greatest day. How was your day?"

I answered, "I cleaned poo off the floor and tried to learn how to ride a ripstik."

Moral of this story: A weird dream is an omen to a weird day.


boo face mcjones said...

HA! But it is obviously the beginning to a great blog post. Here's to more odd dreams.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Ducky! You paint such a great picture with your words. It makes me smile.

Emily said...

What a hillarious dream!
