Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Technically Speaking

So yesterday was a big first--I sent my first text message of my life. First of all, as you may remember, I am old now. I am not part of the whole text messaging generation. Secondly, I don't get it. Why send a text when you can just call the person and talk to them? Or else send out an email, where you can type on a regular, normal-sized keyboard? See I'm not "hip" anymore. I've already reached boring mom status.

Anyway, yesterday Chris did not come home from work on time, and he had all the equipment for Parker's Little League team in the trunk of his car. Without all the bats, batting helmets, etc. the game was not going to happen. So I called him several times, and he didn't answer his phone. I tried instant messaging him, but he didn't respond. I knew he was probably in a meeting, and couldn't answer me. Then I remembered that the rest of the world knew how to do a little something called "texting." I, too, could learn this skill. So after only five minutes of messing around with my phone, I figured out how to send a text message. Then after another 5-10 minutes I was able to painstakingly type out my message. And here's the most amazing part--it worked! I'd spent thirty minutes trying to contact Chris, and within 30 seconds I got a response saying, "I'm coming."

So, um, I'm pretty cool, now that I can text. Also I learned something: You can teach an old dog a new trick. But maybe the old dog just wants to go back to lying around, not doing the new trick. Yes, yes, I think she does.


Shirley said...

Haha! That's hilarious! I can't figure texting out either. I guess it's quick and "easy" (if you can figure it out) and then you don't have to waste time on the "HI" and "How are you" stuff. ;) I haven't sent a text for a couple years... I'll let you know how it goes when I finally give in.

Stephanie said...

LOL that is great Kodie, I don't text either worries..:) I was in denial about even the possibility of getting a cell phone...
