Friday, April 24, 2009

Morning: In Three Acts

Act I
Flash to groggy mother, waking up next to sick baby on couch, patting his back. "Oh, poor Deacon. You've sogged through your diaper."
Comprehension slowly dawns on groggy mother, "Wait a second. This isn't pee. And you're laying right next to me...."

Act II
Parker comes into mother's room with this happy smiling face, "Hey, mom I've got to tell you about my dream."
"I had a dream I was in the bathroom, going to the bathroom, and then I woke up."
"Now my sheets are wet. Isn't that weird?"
"Yes, weird...."

Deacon turns face, crying refusing to eat oatmeal. Mother removes baby from high chair and says, "You're probably not hungry. You don't feel well."
Immediately monkey child escapes from mother's arms, climbs up onto barrel of flour in pantry, and gets down a jar of baby food from high shelf.
"Ahh," says mother, comprehension dawning, "You didn't want oatmeal. You wanted carrots for breakfast."
Baby eagerly eats entire jar of carrots. Then as mother removes child from high chair to wash hands and face, he proceeds to vomit entire jar of carrots all over his mother.
"Hmm," thinks the mother, "my original assessment was right...."

Mother spends day doing five loads of laundry.

The End.


Christopher said...

sounds like fun :(

Shirley said...

Yuck, yuck, and yuck. I'm sure I would have had a final act of ME puking while trying to wipe all that up! Here's to a cleaner tomorrow... ;)

Anonymous said...

Some days are like that...even in Australia, but wouldn't it have been more fun to clean up oatmeal?


You are so funny! I laughed the entire time I read this!
