Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Something To Touch Your Heart

I'm sitting in Relief Society, listening to the lesson, which is fairly good, when the teacher challenges us to "put some music on in your homes. It doesn't have to be a church song. Just something that touches your heart."

Suddenly the lyrics to Bon Jovi's "Shot Through the Heart" come flooding through my mind and will not leave. One second I'm feeling the spirit, and the next second I'm silently singing Bon Jovi.

This is the first song that pops in my head? Sometimes I wonder how my mind works. I suppose if you're shot through your heart, it's a pretty good indication that something has touched it.

I can see the conversation now. "Family, after we listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on Sunday, perhaps we could throw on a little Bon Jovi? It touches my heart, and Bon Jovi advocates for 'living on a prayer.'"

Perhaps Parker's right. Maybe I listen to too much music from the 80's.


Riki said...

I love it! hey it is better than the song that never ends!

Shirley said...

So funny! I would love to know what goes through everyone's minds during those lessons & challenges - I bet you're not alone in the slightly inappropriate inspiration. haha :)

Jil said...

Hey, it's your life. You just want to live while you're alive. And maybe it will help you sleep better at night on your bed of roses. If not, you could try some bad medicine. (is that enough Bon Jovi? You took his best ones)
