Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Make A Choice

"Mom, look at the beautiful clouds! They're pink!"

McKay loves everything beautiful. Just last week I caught her drawing with sidewalk chalk in the rain. "The rain makes the chalk beautiful!"

Tonight, however, she was entranced by the clouds. Her enthusiasm dampened when I spotted lightning. I, personally, love lightning storms. My kids are terrified by them.

"Quickly, Deacon," McKay admonished, "run inside."

Deacon, being Deacon, stood his ground.

"Deacon," McKay said, "lightning can kill you. You have a choice. Do you want to be a dead Deacon or a not dead Deacon?"

Deacon made a beeline for the door.

Good choice, kiddo.


Robyn said...

What a cute girl. She's right, the rain does make the chalk beautiful! haha!

I like the pictures :)

mom said...

The clouds were beautiful and I also love long as I'm inside and the storms are far away.
