Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When I Grow-Up I Want to Be...

"Mom, did you want to talk to me?" Deacon asked.

I did not want to talk to Deacon. This is Parker's latest trick to get Deacon to stop bugging him. When Deacon won't leave him alone, he tells him that I want to talk to him. Sometimes when that doesn't work, Parker tells Deacon that I want to give him candy.

"Did Parker tell you I did?"


"Parker was teasing you. You can go play."

"I want to talk to you, mom," he insists climbing onto my lap.

"O.k. What do you want to be when you grow-up?"

"I want to be a daddy and go to work and use THE GROWN-UP SCISSORS!"

"That sounds awesome."

"And I'll sit at my desk and eat a ginormous doughnut!"

"Anything else?"

"I can watch daddy movies!" He pauses. "Bye, mom, I need to go watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse."


Christopher said...

Where is my ginormous doughnut?

mom said...

Parker is sooo smart!
