Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Vampire Art and Other Stuff You Learn in School

I have a confession to make. I really love homeschooling. This surprises me, as before this year I mostly made fun of people who homeschooled. Psychos. I've seen the light, and now like Saul becoming Paul--I believe. I believe I love it. And this is why.

A few days ago, I was doing a history lesson with Parker. We were study this painting by Jan Van Eyck.

The next morning Parker told me, "I dreamed about that creepy, pale guy in the Van Eyck painting last night. He was a vampire. It was very scary. Let's not study Van Eyck anymore."

Reason 1: More educated nightmares.

Today Parker was learning about Martin Luther. He was supposed to draw a picture to illustrate what happened to Martin Luther in Worms, Germany. If you are unfamiliar with this historical event, Martin Luther was summoned to Worms to denounce what he was preaching against the Catholic church, specifically his 95 Theses. He refused, and the Pope banned him from the Catholic church.

Parker drew a picture of the pope saying, "Eat worms!" Martin Luther is next to him proclaiming, "Hey--I'm not a spider." Then the pope has a thought bubble that reads, "But you are a pest."

I loved it! Parker understood more than the facts relating to history; he understood the attitude.

Reason #2: People with attitudes like learning with an attitude.

Now Parker is reading over my shoulder explaining that a special meeting is called a "diet." So if Martin Luther went to Worms he had a "diet of Worms."

"Write that, mom. It makes it funnier," Parker explains.

"I think it should be explained, not explains," Parker further explains. "I taught mom a lesson in grammar."

Reason #3: Refer to Reason #2.


Robyn said...

Wow, that's really impressive and funny too. I think you should scan that work of art and post it.

Anonymous said...

Can you set up a blog for Parker? Seems he's old enough now that he's editing yours.

Emily said...

What a smarty pants! He's going to be a punster like his grandpa Stott.

Riki said...

Next time your house is a mess and your kids are fighting and driving you crazy...I will remind what a great education your son is getting. ( I think part of why you like it is that you are a born teacher and you find fulfillment in teaching! And you are very good at it too!)
