Friday, November 12, 2010

Dinner and a Show

Picture this dinnertime scene. Deacon is standing up in his chair, wearing nothing but a pair of Parker's undies. They are very baggy. He has pulled the underpants up, so they are resting comfortably at nipple level. He has drawn a black line under his nose with a marker, and it resembles a small Charlie Chaplin mustache. He raises his hand.

"Yes, Deacon," Chris says.

"Umm, I need," he starts, and places one of his hands down the back of his loose underwear and proceeds to scratch, "I need to show you something pretty."


"This!" And he thrusts out his bum-scratching hand for all to see.



Robyn said...

hahahaha....thanks for making me laugh this morning.

Anonymous said...

Which child used to raise their hand and say, "Call on me."? Maybe he gets that from Uncle Clay too...not the scratching part.
