Thursday, February 4, 2010

Strange Times at the Davis House

Today is an amazingly weird day. It started off fairly normal, Parker running through the house in his underwear, looking for clean pants, oblivious to the fact that the neighbor girl was over. I have explained to him multiple times that it is not appropriate or socially acceptable to be seen by others in our undies, but this lesson hasn't quite sunk in. I thought last week's lesson on not using our front yard as a public urinal might have carried over, but I'm doubting that. So Parker was acting normal. Deacon was walking around the house, holding a plunger on top of his head, declaring, "Superhero. Superhero." So Deacon was acting normal. And McKay, bless her girly little heart, was happily coloring in her princess coloring book. So McKay was acting normal.

Then I shoved Parker out the door for school, and the bizarre behavior started. Deacon pulled on my shirt and declared, "Pee-pee. Potty." I really, really want nothing to do with potty-training (A.K.A.: Living Hell) for another year, so I was tempted to ignore him. However, I sucked it up, located the kiddie potty, and plopped him on it. Then I went upstairs to check on McKay's unnatural state.

Three minutes before Deacon declared his toileting desire, McKay had stated, "Mom, may I please clean up my room?"


"Oh, thank you! Thank you! You're the best mom ever!"

Scary. Turns out she just wanted to earn a quarter. She's saving for a Littlest Pet Shop. She seems to understand that if she gets enough quarters, they add up to "real" money. Parker on the other hand is yet to master this concept. "So, mom, what can I do to earn one hundred bucks? Like clean the whole house?"

Alright. McKay's behavior explained. I went back downstairs to check on Deacon. What to my wondering eyes should appear, but a potty of pee-pee and a naked little rear! What? And again, I say, what?!?

I decided to celebrate this wonderful morning. "Let's make brownies!"

Ahh, nothing like chocolate to restore normalcy.


mom said...

Brownies are good for everything!

Holly said...

I agree, brownies ARE good for everything! I'm tempted to make some & celebrate with you!

Emily said...

LUCCCCCCCKY! (Said in Napoleon Dynamite voice). If only Gideon would be that easy to potty train.

Riki said...

Kodie, maybe you will be blessed with that "fabled child" that is easy to potty train. Kes is always asking to wear undies and sit on the potty--but she doesn't often go in the potty!
