Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cherishing It

This morning I went downstairs to find Chris eating a bagel and reading the Ensign.

Me: "Why are you up?"
Chris: "Low blood sugar. Why are you up?"
Me: "Full bladder."
Chris: "Where are the kids?"
Me: "Asleep."
Chris: "Weird."
Me: "You know this will be our life in twenty years."
Chris: "How boring."

Three seconds later Deacon is awake. As Chris goes to get him out of his crib, I'm thinking about how boring life really will be without small children, and how I should cherish these days. Chris appears holding a cuddly Deacon. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.


How adorable, I think, totally cherishing the moment. I pour extra syrup on his waffle, and he digs in.

Twenty minutes later, I am plopping Deacon in the bathtub and scrubbing syrup out of every crevice within a fifty foot radius of Deacon.

"Cherish it," I mutter under my breath, through gritted teeth. "Cherish it."


mom said...

Things have really been strange at your house lately.

Holly said...

I need that reminder too-especially with 3 sick kids who are extra whiney & hardly slept at all last night! So we are spending the day resting & watching movies together...I'll be trying to "cherish it" even through the sneezing, coughing, wiping runny noses, & all the fun.

Riki said...

I so relate...I laughed a lot!

GG said...

The way you write (or live?!) things so eloquently is why I almost didn't start a blog. I just can't express life the way you do! I'm sure you could have wonderful words to describe my son's completely joyful face as he has just put his first tattoo on. Magic that I just cannot do justice to!

GG said...

and now his voice as he accidentally rubs half of it off before it has dried. at least we have (a lot) more. :) Seriously, I'm trying to see it in words how you would.

Sarah said...

Kodie I am so glad you blog. I love to read it it makes me smile every time and sometimes laugh out loud!!!

Shirley said...

Wow Kodie! I haven't been on here in forever! I didn't even know Chris had lost his job and now he has a new better one! And McKay's whisper to you about Heavenly Father gave me chills all over - so sweet! And of course, the boring days of no young children was awesome! I love being with my little kids... I will seriously be bored - might even blog again. ;) I love all of you Davis family and I'm glad you're being taken care of. :)
