Monday, February 22, 2010

Lessons Learned

This past week I've learned some valuable lessons from my children.

From Deacon--cereal can be dangerous.

I heard a loud thud, followed by a wail. I ran downstairs to find Deacon sprawled on the ground, a victim of his high chair. Apparently he had tried to climb into his high chair to get his soggy, hour-old, Captain Crunch only to tumble off. The details are a little sketchy, as I received them secondhand from Parker, but somehow the high chair and Deacon became enemies. As I picked up my screaming son, I tried to ascertain bodily damage. "What hurts?" I asked, feeling for broken bones.

"The cereal hurts me," he responded tearfully.

From McKay--not everyone takes off their pants one leg at a time.

On Sunday afternoon, I suddenly became aware of an eerie quiet, a sound more menacing than piercing screams. I found McKay sitting on Parker's bed, a pair of scissors in hand, happily cutting her pants off her body.

Also from McKay--you may not always a tissue handy when you need one, but luckily there's always a piece of furniture lying about.

As fun as it is to discover your daughter using your couch as a giant Kleenex, it is actually more delightful to discover that her nose isn't runny, but bloody.

From Parker--contrary to popular belief, it is better to ask for permission instead of forgiveness.

Our family has a rule that on Sunday, we only watch "Sunday" movies such as VeggieTales, Living Scriptures, etc. So on Sunday afternoon, when I found Parker watching SpongeBob, I reminded him of the rule.

"It's fine, Mom," he told me, "Before I turned on SpongeBob, I said a prayer that it would be o.k."


mom said...

The only thing that we know about children is that we never know what they'll do next. Parker, McKay and Deacon keep us entertained!


This blog made me laugh. I can so relate! I'm glad you find the humor in motherhood. There's plenty of it!

Holly said...

LOVE the fact that Parker prayed about watching Spongebob! & I totally understand about the funiture-as-a-kleenex...on our way out the door at my mom's house, Kamden stopped & tried to wipe a booger under her couch!

Riki said...

Wisdom we can learn from our children! I like the cereal hurting Deacon--that was cute!
