Reality--$60 is not that much to pay for sanity.
Halfway through giving Chewie the worst haircut known to dogkind, Chris showed up, dropping off the kids. He had to get back to work, and I had seriously underestimated the amount of time it would take to groom a dog. So I clippered, scissored, and bathed that stinky dog with McKay and Deacon in tow. Now Deacon was stinky himself, but as I had forgotten diaper and wipes, he had to remain in his stink. So he took it upon himself to smell a little better. He kept getting in the dog bath and trying to rinse himself. I kept pulling him out. Finally I gave up. Pretty soon Chewie and Deacon were bathing together in the doggie tub. Deacon washing Chewie and playing in his dog hair.
Sometimes when the situation is just too disgusting, I have to turn off my gag reflex, and just go with it. Which is what I did. At least one of them was getting clean.
Fast-forward a hellacious two hours later, and Chewie was done. This is how Chewie looks when he's been professionally groomed. (I know it's an old picture. I had to search to find one.)
This is how Chewie looks after I groomed him.
Go ahead and laugh. I know I did.