Monday, May 25, 2009

Mr. Missionary

Parker woke up this morning and announced, "Today at the MTC, we're having bike riding practice. Do we have a picture of Jesus or something?"

This was much like Saturday, when he woke up and announced, "Me and Jacob have a basketball game at 9:00 this morning. I need a plain white shirt."
"They're all dirty."
"But, MOM, that's our uniform."
The doorbell rings. "Aaaahh, it's 9:05. That's Jacob, and I'm late for our game!"

So I'm used to the morning pronouncement of the day's activities. Today, apparently, it was playing missionary. He got dressed in his Sunday clothes, put on one of Chris's missionary name tags, filled his Bob the Builder backpack with scriptures and a picture of Jesus, and was off, practicing riding his bike like a missionary.

This lasted until Jacob came outside. "Parker, my mom bought me a new light saber."
Parker, super excited, "Let me run inside and change my clothes, and then we can play."
Jacob looks at Parker, "Are those your pajamas?"
Parker, "No, these are my Sunday clothes."
Jacob, "Can Mormons play on Mondays?"

Of course they can. As Parker and Jacob tromp out my front door, light sabers in hand, I hear, "So spaceships or pod racers first?"
"Definitely spaceships."


Stephanie said...

That is so awesome...playing missionary! ( : I love it!

Brigette said...

I just love blogs! Otherwise I would miss out on precious moments like these.
