Sunday, November 2, 2008


My wonderful friend Shirley tagged me with one of those lists you fill out about yourself. I refrain from completing them out of principle. The principle being I am boring. However, this tag asked you to list seven things that attracted you to your husband. Chris has, therefore, been bugging me to complete the tag. He even went so far as to instant message me a list of potential ideas. I believe the list went as follows:

1. Amazing biceps
2. Stellar good looks
3. Witty sense of humor
4. I can't remember the rest of the list, but it was good.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I think that pretty much sums up the rest of the list. I love you, honey.


Christopher said...

Well, it is hard to suppress greatness. Silence Missy! Stop laughing.

Auntie M said...

Actually the photo looks like you hit your hand with the hammer. TRUE?
I love you Willy!

Christopher said...

"Going to" and "have" are very different things.
