Friday, November 14, 2008

Adventures in the Dark

Yesterday was McKay's third birthday. A nonstop day of fun, she was literally begging for bed by dinner time. Putting her down at 6:30 for the night was no problem. However, she was well rested at three a.m. when she came crawling into bed to ask me if she could play with her balloons and new toys. I told her it was nighttime, put her back in bed, and went to sleep. Twenty minutes later she was waking me up again, asking to play with her new toys and balloons. This time I put her back to bed and got up to feed Deacon. And yes, five minutes later, my little ghost of birthday past was back. This time she had something new to tell me--"I peed in my jammies." Not wanting to wake Deacon, I told her to go tell daddy to help her. And once AGAIN, she was back. "Did you tell, daddy?" I asked. "Yes," she said, "he just laid there." By the time she was FINALLY changed and asleep for good it was 4:30. I moved to the couch with Deacon for the rest of the night. But just a short two hours later, a wet sensation woke me. Deacon's diaper had leaked, and my couch and I were soaked. Talk about irony! All of my stresses over McKay, and Deacon would be the one to christen the couches. Now that the new house smell has been replaced with the faint odor of urine, life is normal, and I am ready to go back to being a relaxed mom. Well, relaxed for me anyway.


Christopher said...

I was in a sleep induced coma.

Auntie M said...

Bless your heart!!! I love Kodie!!!

Anonymous said...

Aaaah, the normal life. Who needs the new house smell anyway? And by the way, I'm pretty sure all Dads have magical ears that specifically block their children's voices in the night. Sometimes a caring elbow to the ribs is in order. ;)

linda said...

kodie i just know i am sane reading your blog. you are the funniest!!!

Brigette said...

I have often thought myself, "what on earth would possess me to buy a new house when young children will be living in it?" Now I know I'm not along in those thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think I have not replaced the rug in the living room. I still have to potty train James. :)
