First of all, I would like to say this picture has nothing to do with the rest of my post. It is just a picture of our house for those who have been asking to see it.
So I can finally get back to blogging, as, (Hallelujah!), the talk I have been spending all week writing is done. I gave it in church today, and one little line in it happened to mention something about me reading the Twilight series. Yes, I tied it in so it was gospel related. Weirdly enough you can talk about anything in church, even vampires and werewolves, if you can make a great metaphor. ANYWAY, afterwards, about everyone had to come up and talk to me about Twilight. I tell you one sentence in the whole talk mentioned these books. Forget all the great gospel insights I brought up, I will forever be labeled "that new girl who talked about Twilight over the pulpit."
So speaking of Twilight, the movie came out. For some reason, people who knew I had read these books, but had not personally read them themselves, wondered if I was going to see the movie. This includes Parker's first grade teacher. I went in on Friday to be art mom. "Are you going to see the Twilight movie?" she asked. "When I heard it was coming out, I thought of you." What?!? And she's not the only person to have said this to me. Vampires. My name is associated with vampires. I could be a Catch phrase question. At the clue, "Kodie Davis," everyone would shout "Vampires." I have no idea why.
So, yes, of course I saw the movie on Friday. I dragged Chris to it. (He swore he would not see it with me.) The best part was when Edward came on screen for the first time and all the girls screamed. Chris exclaimed, "What kind of chic flick did you drag me to? Am I the only guy here?" He had to look around the theater to make sure he wasn't. It was great.