Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Driving Parker home from school, I overheard this conversation.

Parker: "McKay, I know we tell you that your kitty is a girl, but it's not. It's a boy. Mommy doesn't want any baby kittens, so all of your kittens will always be boys. And do you know why that is? Because sometimes life just sucks."

I can't wait until he finds out about Santa Claus.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


First of all, I would like to say this picture has nothing to do with the rest of my post. It is just a picture of our house for those who have been asking to see it.

So I can finally get back to blogging, as, (Hallelujah!), the talk I have been spending all week writing is done. I gave it in church today, and one little line in it happened to mention something about me reading the Twilight series. Yes, I tied it in so it was gospel related. Weirdly enough you can talk about anything in church, even vampires and werewolves, if you can make a great metaphor. ANYWAY, afterwards, about everyone had to come up and talk to me about Twilight. I tell you one sentence in the whole talk mentioned these books. Forget all the great gospel insights I brought up, I will forever be labeled "that new girl who talked about Twilight over the pulpit."

So speaking of Twilight, the movie came out. For some reason, people who knew I had read these books, but had not personally read them themselves, wondered if I was going to see the movie. This includes Parker's first grade teacher. I went in on Friday to be art mom. "Are you going to see the Twilight movie?" she asked. "When I heard it was coming out, I thought of you." What?!? And she's not the only person to have said this to me. Vampires. My name is associated with vampires. I could be a Catch phrase question. At the clue, "Kodie Davis," everyone would shout "Vampires." I have no idea why.

So, yes, of course I saw the movie on Friday. I dragged Chris to it. (He swore he would not see it with me.) The best part was when Edward came on screen for the first time and all the girls screamed. Chris exclaimed, "What kind of chic flick did you drag me to? Am I the only guy here?" He had to look around the theater to make sure he wasn't. It was great.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Adventures in the Dark

Yesterday was McKay's third birthday. A nonstop day of fun, she was literally begging for bed by dinner time. Putting her down at 6:30 for the night was no problem. However, she was well rested at three a.m. when she came crawling into bed to ask me if she could play with her balloons and new toys. I told her it was nighttime, put her back in bed, and went to sleep. Twenty minutes later she was waking me up again, asking to play with her new toys and balloons. This time I put her back to bed and got up to feed Deacon. And yes, five minutes later, my little ghost of birthday past was back. This time she had something new to tell me--"I peed in my jammies." Not wanting to wake Deacon, I told her to go tell daddy to help her. And once AGAIN, she was back. "Did you tell, daddy?" I asked. "Yes," she said, "he just laid there." By the time she was FINALLY changed and asleep for good it was 4:30. I moved to the couch with Deacon for the rest of the night. But just a short two hours later, a wet sensation woke me. Deacon's diaper had leaked, and my couch and I were soaked. Talk about irony! All of my stresses over McKay, and Deacon would be the one to christen the couches. Now that the new house smell has been replaced with the faint odor of urine, life is normal, and I am ready to go back to being a relaxed mom. Well, relaxed for me anyway.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Potty-Training Update

So I have repeatedly been asked--how is potty-training going? O.k. actually only my mom and sister asked. But as it is an extremely exciting topic, I'm sure everyone is wondering. The good news--my couches have remained dry. The bad news--my carpet and Deacon are another story. We've had a few accidents here and there, but for the most part things have been going good. That is until this morning. McKay was sitting on her potty watching t.v., and I was upstairs getting ready. I came to check on her, and I found Deacon playing on the ground delighted. He was flapping his arms and legs like he was swimming. Then I noticed he was wet. He WAS swimming. He was swimming in McKay's pee. The potty chair was overturned, the potty-training candy was in the potty (weirdly and disgustingly enough), and Deacon was doing the breaststroke on my soggy carpet. I questioned McKay in depth, and I came to this conclusion--I have absolutely no idea what happened. Ahh, the joys of potty-training.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Park Day

Yesterday Parker didn't have school, so I picked up my nephew, Heath, and we went to the park. This consisted of Parker and Heath running around like crazed madmen with McKay following behind, holding her dolly, calling, "Wait for me and my daughter!"

I did overhear the following comments:
Parker: "I smell girl."

Heath: "Do you know where the Boogie Man lives?"
Parker: "Uranus?"
Heath: "No, church."

Friday, November 7, 2008


Since moving to Meridian I have been in search of a place that gives good cheap haircuts for Parker. I have struck out. The last place I went, Parker didn't like the woman, because she kept "breathing on him." I decided I could solve this dilemma and save money by cutting Parker's hair myself.

Those of you who know me are probably questioning this strategy. I cannot cut a piece of paper straight, even with the aid of a paper cutter, so why I thought I could cut hair is a little beyond me. But my sense of cheapness overcame my sense of reason, and I decided to try yesterday.

Minus one bald patch (Who knew the over the ear clipper attachment would cut hair so short?) he turned out o.k. looking. Alright, he looks like a kid whose mother cut his hair.

He wouldn't let me take a picture of his bald spot, or really any picture at all that didn't involve him being a Jedi.

But the point is this--I have learned a valuable lesson. And that lesson is--sanity cannot be bought. No amount of money saved is worth trying to cut the hair of a wiggly, screaming, freaking-out six year old boy all without swearing or spanking.

So I have decided to put my clippers to good use. Chris's hair. He keeps putting me off on that one, but he will cave eventually......And then who will freak out more Chris or Parker?

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Brave New Day

Today is a big day in the Davis house. We are attempting a Pull-up free day. In other words, today is the day McKay is officially moving into the world of Hello Kitty panties. I'm sure the benefits of having a child potty-trained by her mother, rather than a college roommate (possible back-up plan) will outweigh the panic attack I am having today over letting my daughter in the vicinity of my new couches. Serenity now.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


My wonderful friend Shirley tagged me with one of those lists you fill out about yourself. I refrain from completing them out of principle. The principle being I am boring. However, this tag asked you to list seven things that attracted you to your husband. Chris has, therefore, been bugging me to complete the tag. He even went so far as to instant message me a list of potential ideas. I believe the list went as follows:

1. Amazing biceps
2. Stellar good looks
3. Witty sense of humor
4. I can't remember the rest of the list, but it was good.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

I think that pretty much sums up the rest of the list. I love you, honey.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


It's impossible to get all three kids happy, smiling, and looking at the camera.

But I can usually get one of them to.
