Sunday, October 26, 2008
I was shampooing McKay's hair, when I heard Deacon wake up from his nap screaming. Soon Parker asks, "Do you want me to take care of him Mom?" Having no idea what this meant, I said, "Sure." This is what I discovered.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Destroying Angel
McKay got into the flour today. Again. The second time this week. This time it was whole wheat. Last time it was white flour, so she's diversifying her messes. I went to get my camera to take a picture, when I thought, wait don't I have a picture of her playing in the flour?

This was her getting into the flour last month. I looked through her pictures, and I realized I have documented her mess making since her first messy bites of rice cereal.

We gave her the nickname "The Angel of Destruction" when she was one.

Last week, she got into the flour twice--one time filling my dishwasher with it, poured her yogurt on the floor and finger painted in it, and wrote on the computer monitor. This child will be three next month. When will the insanity end?

I called Poison Control last month because she was licking the paintbrush containing Thompson's Water Seal, not only once, but repeatedly. (Could it really taste that good?) The girl I spoke to wanted to know how old she was. I responded, "Old enough to know better!"
This was her getting into the flour last month. I looked through her pictures, and I realized I have documented her mess making since her first messy bites of rice cereal.
We gave her the nickname "The Angel of Destruction" when she was one.
Last week, she got into the flour twice--one time filling my dishwasher with it, poured her yogurt on the floor and finger painted in it, and wrote on the computer monitor. This child will be three next month. When will the insanity end?
I called Poison Control last month because she was licking the paintbrush containing Thompson's Water Seal, not only once, but repeatedly. (Could it really taste that good?) The girl I spoke to wanted to know how old she was. I responded, "Old enough to know better!"
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Republican Candidate Paid us a Visit
Parker's Republican candidate girlfriend, Sydney, came up yesterday. It was like we still lived around the corner from the Torgersens with our children running and playing and screaming throughout the house. It was great fun. All the rest of you should come visit us! :)
Sydney has also found a replacement boyfriend in Parker's absence, a boy named Danny. Parker's parting comments were to Sydney's brother, Matthew. "Matthew, tell Danny that he's only the Republican candidate!"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Parker's Girlfriends
Parker has a new girlfriend. She lives across the street. He introduced her to me by saying, "Mom this is my new girlfriend, McKenna." She seemed o.k. with the label. He also has a Utah girlfriend, Sydney. He explained the McKenna/Sydney thing to me like this: "Sydney is my Utah girlfriend. She is like the Republican candidate. McKenna is my Idaho girlfriend. She is like the Democratic candidate. When I grow up I will have to pick which candidate to marry."
McKenna was over playing yesterday, and Parker said, "Tomorrow you can meet my other girlfriend, Sydney. She's coming to visit." I was thinking, Parker, my son, you have a lot to learn about women.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Monumental Day
The above picture is of a garage. Not just any garage, but my garage. And yes, amazingly there is a van parked in it. Yesterday Chris cleaned out enough of the garage that we could park our van inside. Now, you may think haven't they lived in there new house for like two months? Aren't they unpacked YET? The answers are yes and no.
After about the first month of living here, I realized that everything essential to life was basically unpacked and everything left living in the garage was just the accumulated garbage of 7 1/2 years of married life. I had the very good idea of just taking the boxes unopened to the D.I. Then I figured we quite literally wouldn't know what we were missing, and my life would be less cluttered. Anyone who knows my husband realizes that he would never go for this plan in one million years. So I gave up on cleaning out the garage, and he has methodically been going at it one box at a time for the past two months. Now that he has brought out of the boxes such important things as Chewie's doggie backpack and our family's collection of sock puppets, our house truly feels like home. But enough of that on to the monumental day--today.
Today I backed a vehicle out of a garage for the first time in my LIFE! Yes, I grew up in a home with a carport, lived in a home with a carport, and for the first time in 28 years now live with a garage. When I took the kids out to the van this morning, McKay said, "Mommy, the garage is scary." And yes it was. I was a little worried about taking off my side mirror backing up. Chris has told me no less then 417 times, that he believes I'm going to do this, which makes me slightly paranoid. But to be truly honest, my biggest fear is that I will forget I am in a garage and not a carport and back out without opening the garage door. But it was an amazing experience, and I have now successfully driven out of and into a garage all before I turned 30.
Monday, October 13, 2008
O.K. Already
I was getting pressure to start a blog. I really didn't want to blog, because then I would have to have something to blog about. I could think of nothing more depressing than sitting down at the computer and realizing I had absolutely nothing to say except that McKay went pee-pee in her potty. (Yes, she did five minutes ago. She's sitting bare-bottomed in front of the t.v. right now eating her potty-training candy.) I'm just excited that we moved this year. It gives me something to write in the Christmas newsletter.
Anyway, Chris started this blog for me, which took the pressure off of me to create one, but then gave me new pressure to actually put something on the blog. So I decided to show off my new house. I took pictures of the library/bonus room/family room upstairs because it is my favorite room in the house, and also because it is the only room clean currently. Maybe as I clean other rooms in the house, I will add more pictures.
Also I had to take a picture of Deacon while I was at it, because 1.) He is so stinking cute, and 2.) Many do not realize what a chunky monkey he truly is. In case you were wondering he weighed in at twenty pounds even at his six month appointment two weeks. That is what the average one year old weighs.
Now the blogging pressure is off, and I can get back to my truly exciting life of potty-training and sweeping ant-encrusted Cheerios off my kitchen floor....
Friday, October 10, 2008
Best Husband
I have the best husband in the world! He was so considerate to make this super cute blog for me. He is the best.
I am totally not going to get mad at him for doing this because he is sooo thoughtful. And I can change everything about this site until I REALLY love it!
Now I don’t have to ask him to post things for me or tell him that my friends want to see more pictures of our kids on his blog.
This is the greatest!
I am totally not going to get mad at him for doing this because he is sooo thoughtful. And I can change everything about this site until I REALLY love it!
Now I don’t have to ask him to post things for me or tell him that my friends want to see more pictures of our kids on his blog.
This is the greatest!
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