Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grocery Shopping Wheelchair

A breakthrough has occurred in my life. I have learned how to cope with my grocery shopping disability. My wheelchair--6:30 a.m.

I set my alarm for six. I multi-tasked scriptures and breakfast. I put on my comfy shoes. I pulled into the Winco parking lot at 6:30. I did my entire grocery shopping trip in one hour!!!! I also did my entire grocery shopping trip in my pajamas. It was awesome.

Chris: "How did grocery shopping go?"
Me: "Wonderful. No kids. Empty aisles. My brain still working. I tend to slump the later in the day it becomes."
Chris: "I'm well aware of that fact. I still remember Monday when you fell asleep before the kids."
Me: "Yes, but weirdly enough I was the only person shopping in her pajamas."
Chris: "But you put your shoes on."
Me: "I KNOW!!! And I wiped the mascara off from underneath my eyes."
Chris: "And I slept the entire time you were gone."
Me: "What's not to love about this?"

Nothing. I love you 6:30 a.m. grocery shopping trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could never get away with that in Emmett. I would see at least 10people that I know. Did you put the groceries away when you got home, or crawl back in bed?
