Monday, March 16, 2009


At Parker's football game on Saturday, someone had a pen of puppies they were selling. This prompted McKay to beg for a puppy and then throw an hour long fit when she didn't get one. The begging continued through Sunday, so to get her to drop the subject, I told her she could have a puppy when Chewie died. She seemed happy with that arrangement, and I felt happy I had just bought five to ten years of puppy peace.

This morning McKay woke up happy. She bounded up to me, jumped in my arms, and with a big smile on her face asked, "Did Chewie die?" I have never seen a girl so disappointed to find out her beloved family pet was still alive.


Christopher said...

This makes me heart sick. I love that old gentle dog. And even if he did die I would never get another puppy. We would adopt another old gentle dog.

Holly said...

I haven't given in to the dog requests yet, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out though!
I love your post about WalMart, that is totally and completely my life! About a year ago I vowed not to go in there without my hubby and I've done pretty good, but it sure is hard with all those 'bargains' staring me in the face!

Auntie M said...

Puppies are CUTE!!! I am with McKay! Come on Kodie! There is nothing quite like a puppy and a little girl. Dont let Christopher limit this one!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Cute little Mckay. :)
