Saturday, October 15, 2011

Deacon Chatter

Deacon and I were driving to the grocery store yesterday.

"Do you want to listen to the radio or talk?" I asked.


"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"I want to climb on the roof of our house." He pauses. "Wait! I think that what be dangerous. Mom, would you sing "Book of Mormon Stories" with me?"


"You're singing it wrong! It goes 'When it rains, let it rain, righteously.' Sing it the right way, mom."

Deacon begins making silly noises and laughing at himself.

"Mom, you are my mother so you have to laugh at me."

"O.k." I attempt a fake laugh.

"Mom, you are my mom so you have to freak out with me."

"How do I do that?"

"When I yell, 'Freak out,' you freak out."

"How do you freak out?"

"I don't know, but I know how to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

"Mom, I think there are trampolines in heaven."


"Oh, heaven is a place on earth," he sings, doing a good imitation of Belinda Carlisle. Apparently that's the only line of the song he knows, because he continues to repeat it.

"What the heck?" Deacon asks, looking out the window, "Where are we?"

"At the grocery store."

"Grocery store--I love grocery stores! Let's go, mom!"


mom said...

Kind of like carrying on a conversation with your mother. We are kindred spirits.

Emily said...

Jace and I used to have competitions to see who could come up with the most random thing. I think that Deacon could already beat both of us.

Shirley said...

So funny and so random - awesome! :)
