Monday, September 12, 2011

Garbage Giggles

Tonight while putting Parker to bed, he tells me, "Mom, I need to tell you a hilarious story about Deacon."


"This morning I heard the garbage truck coming. I remembered how much I loved the garbage truck when I was a little kid, so I got Deacon and had him look out the window with me. I said, 'Look, Deacon, that man's taking our garbage away.' And guess what he did, mom?"


"He started to cry!" Parker giggles. "Then he crawled up into my bed and was laying there kind of sad. So I said, 'What are you doing, Deacon?' And he said, 'I'm going to lay on your bed until that man brings our garbage back.'"

At this point Parker is laughing hysterically. "I told him, 'Deacon, we will never get our garbage back. It's gone forever.' And then he cries even harder!"

By now Parker is laughing so uncontrollably that I can't help laughing along, despite the fact that his story is really not funny at all. When something really tickles Parker, he has an infectious giggle that makes everyone around him start laughing, too.

Parker notices I'm laughing and says, "You're laughing now, mom, but it won't be so funny when he grows up to be a hoarder."


mom said...

Underneath your Patience is a Virtue sign, you could add another one: "Blessed be Nothing!" It sounds like the non-hoarding gene has been passed on to the next generation. However, ask Parker to throw away just one light saber and see what happens...

Emily said...

While I was reading this, I was doing so in Parker's voice and adding in the giggles. His giggle is even contagious when you're just imagining it.
