Sunday, July 10, 2011

May the Force be with You

Five minutes into Sacrament meeting today, the first counselor announces the opening song.

"We will now sing on page 60, 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic.'"

Parker excitedly asks, "Are we singing a Star Wars song?"

Music was making Parker think today. The congregation was standing to sing the rest hymn. In the quiet lull of singing between verses one and two, he asked, "Why don't these pews come equipped with built-in whoopee cushions?"

You have much to learn, young Parker.


mom said...

He's just trying to think of ways to make sacrament meeting more entertaining.

Emily said...

Yes, I could see how whoopee cushions could be an asset in some wards...but lucky us, our ward doesn't even need whoopee cushions to be exciting!
