Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Honesty is the Best Policy

"Brush your teeth and get in the van for swimming lessons. We need to leave in five minutes," I yelled at my kids this morning, as I stood sentinel at the doorway.

First down was Parker.

"Did you brush your teeth?"


"You may proceed to the van," I said stepping away from the door.

Next came McKay.

"You forgot to wear shoes," I reminded her.

"Oh, yeah," she said, heading back for flip-flops. I would think that wearing shoes would come automatically to most people, but not McKay. Once I went to unload her from the van only to discover she was barefoot. Her ballet bag saved us that day, as she danced her way through the store in ballet slippers.

Finally, Deacon made it down the stairs.

"Did you brush your teeth?"

"Yes, sir, mom-o," he announced, as I let him by. "I also left the water running in the bathroom sink and made a house out of toilet paper."

What? I raced upstairs. Yep, Deacon was correct on both accounts.

Alright, the out-the-door mommy questions are going to be tougher from now on. "Did you brush your teeth? Will I need to file an insurance claim when I return home based on any of your actions today? Should I stop at Costco and buy another case of toilet paper?"

Oh, yeah, nothing's going to get by me now.


mom said...

Thanks for the giggles (at your expense).

Christopher said...

Good thing we got 96 rolls!
