Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday Night at the Davises

Me: "It's Friday night, family, what are we going to do?"

Parker: "Buy candy bars."

Chris: "I know, first we clean the house--"

Me: "No cleaning! We are not spending Friday night cleaning."

Chris: "O.k., how about we watch movies. Each person can take turns picking a half hour show. So Deacon could pick Bob the Builder, McKay, My Little Pony, Parker, Bakugan...."

Me: "Can I read a book during this movie event?"

Chris: "If you read on the couch and pretend your part of the family."

Me: "Wait. Change my mind. I'm going to head to my scrapbook closet and scrapbook instead."

Chris: "You know, you used to be fun and social. Now you want to lock yourself up in your little cave surrounded by paper."

Me: "Ahh, blessed paper. Paper that never asks for a drink of water or writes on the couch with marker."

Chris: "Fine, if you don't want to be fun...."

Me: "Yep."

Chris: "....then I'm just going to straighten up a little...."

Chris heads upstairs, and in some Tom Sawyeresque plan, convinces Parker that it would be fun if he helps clean. Meanwhile, I notice McKay downstairs, struggling with a blanket.

McKay: "Mommy, could you please cover me with the blanket?"

Me: "Why?"

McKay: "If daddy finds me, he'll make me help him clean."

I cover her with the blanket and go upstairs to change Deacon's diaper and put him in his pajamas. When I come back downstairs to check on McKay, this is what I found.

As for our Friday night, I scrapbooked, and Chris and Parker had a Bakugan-watching marathon.

As I walk by I hear Chris asking Parker, "What happened to Dan Kuso in the Doom Dimension?"

Yes, a fun time was had by all.


Emily said...

I have to agree with Parker's original suggestion: going to the store and buying candy bars sounds like a great Friday night! Peter and I generally structure any fun free time around eating delicious things. Also, I really like the word verification on this one: rotorabi. Isn't that so fun to say!

Minister of Chainsaws said...

I could be getting old, but this sounds like an absurdly good Friday night to me. I especially like the Christopher/Parker Bakugan movie marathon.

Hope all is well with you guys!

Riki said...

Sounds similar to our Friday nights which have become a tradition in our home. Pizza and a movie night is what we call it. We eat extrememly cheap frozen pizza while we watch whatever we happen to have on our instant que--this Friday it was an episode of Myth Busters and a stupid show called Bushwacked. I fell asleep with Kes on the couch at 8pm.
