Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I have a confession to make--today I organized my spices. I feel like I need to come clean about my cleaning. You see I married a Davis, a slightly OCD, anal-retentive, organized-crazed, lovable clean freak.

When Chris met me, I had an organization system. I had a laundry basket for dirty clothes. I also had a large purple Rubbermaid, I called "the clothes not dirty bin." When I threw off my clothes, they landed into one of the two bins. This was an improvement over my previous system in which all types of clothing landed on the floor. They say opposites attract....

"O.k," I told my new fiancé, "we've got to lay down some ground rules."

He eyes me nervously, "Like what?"

"Cleaning rules. I have a system, you know."

"Are you talking about your clothes not dirty bin?"

"Yes. Don't mess with the system!"


"Don't get mad when the house is messy when you come home. If you want the bed made you're going to have make it yourself."

"Anything else?"

"I don't kill spiders."


Fast forward two years into the marriage. I jump into the shower only to be confronted with a big black hairy spider.

"Aaagh! Chris! Chris!" I yell, running into the bedroom, dripping water all over my sleeping husband. "There's a big, hairy black widow spider in the shower."

"Black widows aren't hairy."

"Are you going to come kill it?"

"No, I'm going to sleep."

"I hate you."

"By the way, I organized your closet for you yesterday. Your clothes are now arranged by type, then sub-organized by color."

Fast forward seven years into the marriage, and we buy a brand new house. This home contains a few pieces of furniture, that for the first time in our marriage we purchased new rather than at a yard sale.

Me: "Family, do you see this cookie ground into the couch? Do you see the stains on the carpet? Do you see the grime collecting around the bathroom sink? Do you know who did this? Us. We can no longer blame our filth on fifty years of past owners. McKay, get out the broom. Parker, get out the vacuum. Deacon, get out the toilet brush. It's time we got to cleaning."

And today as I made cookies with my kids, noticing I had multiple open jars of baking powder, I thought, the time has come. The time to organize my spices on my own like a true Davis. It's a big day for me.


Sarah said...

Love it!! Steve was more of a clean freak when we first got married but for some reason it didn't last long. Now we both struggle to keep things clean but I always like to blame it on not having places to put things so when we get in our new house I guess we will see if we are better I have good intentions of being much more organized.

mom said...

I cleaned out a drawer today also. We're on a roll.

Riki said...

aaahhh! You may not look at my spice cupboard when you come to visit me!Riki

Holly said...

Good job! I'm totally OCD & anal-retentive when it comes to things like that. I even make sure my canned foods look like a grocery store aisle. I always tell myself to relax & that it's not a big deal if I can't see the label on the green beans when I open the cupboard door, but the OCD in me just can't let it go!

Robyn said...

Hi Kodie! (This is your cousin)Your mom sent your blog address in her Christmas card. I was so excited to check it out but I misplaced it until today. Your posts are so fun to read! It's fun to see your family (cute kiddos by the way!)although there are no pictures of you? :) Hope all is well.
