Friday, February 27, 2009

Look Who's Walking!

On Sunday he could walk two steps. Today he walked across the kitchen.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Comes Love...

My friend mentioned that her daughter, Hannah, told her she wanted to marry Parker. Curious to see how Parker would respond, I passed that information on to Parker. I was expecting some sort of "gross" or "cootie girl" type response, but I was completely wrong.

"Mom, that's GREAT!" Parker exclaimed. "She's Mormon. She's younger than me. Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I'll marry her."

"What about your other girlfriends?" I asked.

"Well, Sydney has a new boyfriend, and Makenna needs to be baptized first. So it's gotta be Hannah."

Six year old, and he's already on his third "fiancee."

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Best Laid Plans...

This morning was off to a good start. Deacon had allowed me to sleep in to 6:15. Awesome! My house was sparkling from marathon cleaning yesterday. I had even self-cleaned my oven. (Much to McKay's dismay, who said the smell "hurt her nose." An entire bottle of air freshener was used to remedy the situation.) And now I was pondering how to avoid entropy. Perhaps locking my children in the backyard or going to the library. Everything was going so wonderfully that I decided I had time to blow dry my hair before I took Parker to school. Deacon was happily watching PBS kids with Parker, so I told Parker to watch him and went upstairs.

My first indication that something was up, was when Deacon came crawling up to me. O.k. apparently Parker had not been so good at watching him. And apparently Deacon had learned how to climb an entire flight of stairs. Grateful he hadn't fallen backwards to his death (He is accident-prone.), I scooped him up and went downstairs.

And that's when I discovered that my problems were much bigger than an unsupervised baby. McKay was laying bare-bummed on the floor, happily watching t.v., with brown streaks extending from bottom to feet. In what could be only described as "diarrhea gone wrong" my house, especially my bathroom, had gone from immaculate to dumping zone.

Two baths and another can of air freshener later, I had all but the bathroom clean. With five minutes to get Parker to school, I told him to go brush his teeth. "Are you kidding me?" he asked. "There is NO WAY I'm going in that bathroom!"

New plan for day: De-toxify bathroom. Look for another baby gate. Find some kiddie Pepto.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fax Me

Our printer/fax/copier is located at Deacon level. Consequently Deacon has become adept at sending faxes and making copies. Yesterday when I saw him once again playing at the machine, I pulled him off. Only I happened to notice the fax number he had dialed---666. Yep, my baby sent a fax to the devil. And I thought his recent cranky behavior was caused by teething....

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Day

5:20--Wake-up to Deacon's screaming
5:20--8:45--Dress self and 2/3rds of children, feed children, change poopy diaper, scream at Parker repeatedly to get dressed and stop teasing his sister
8:45--9:15--Take Parker to school, clean up breakfast
9:15--Attempt to nurse Deacon to sleep; McKay comes in to play ponies and wakes Deacon up--no morning nap
9:30--11--Lay on floor reading book while children crawl over me, stopping occasionally to play with children
11--Feed family lunch
11:30--Put Deacon down for afternoon nap, bathe and dress McKay, pull sopping bath towel out of tub
12--Deacon wakes up screaming
12:01--Say small swear word silently under breath
12:02--2:30--Lay on floor reading book, stopping occasionally to pull choking hazards out of Deacon's mouth
2:30--Finish book
2:35--Feed children candy
2:45--Turn t.v. on for McKay, pretend I don't notice Deacon sending faxes, sit down at computer to blog about how I got nothing done today

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Parker-Mom Bond

Now some things about Parker, I just don't understand. For instance, mud fights. Why would you rush home after school to fling mud at your friends? Especially when they are flinging mud back at you? (See above picture.)

However, there are a few things that me and Parker bond over, that the rest of the Chris and Kodie Davis family just doesn't understand. Number One. American Idol. Tomorrow is Tuesday, which means at seven o'clock, Parker and I will be gathered around the TV to critique American Idol hopefuls. This is our second or third year doing this. Also, we vote for our favorite contestants. Parker often votes for seven or eight different people. He's already asked me if I will come with him when he auditions for American Idol when he grows up. I'll be there.

Number Two. Chocolate-covered strawberries. Parker and I might make one or two pounds of chocolate-covered strawberries, and eat them all ourselves. Often in one sitting. When we offer one of these delectable treats to Chris, he refuses to eat them. This from a person who eats deep fried pork rinds.

Number Three. Junie B. Jones books. We read these together almost every night. I think I might like these more than Parker. I know I laugh harder. Only Parker and I are laughing when I read them out loud. Come on it's hilarious when she brings a fish stick in for a pet on pet day, right? I know Parker thinks so.

Ahh, TV, books, and chocolate. No wonder I love that kid.
