Thursday, May 6, 2010

Star Wars

Parker: "Did you know that Tuesday was Star Wars day?"
Me: "What are you talking about?"
Parker: "May the Fourth be with you."

Please note that the above Jedi robe was sewn by yours truly. I discovered how to sew like a simpleton.

How a Normal Person Sews: 1. Take measurements. 2. Cut out pattern. 3. Pin pattern to material. 4. Cut out fabric. 5. Sew seams. 6. Try on garment to test for fit. 7. Iron. 8. Hem.

How a Simpleton Sews: 1. Look at pictures of Jedi robes. 2. Lay fabric out on kitchen table. Randomly cut out pieces of fabric that look "arm-like" and "hoody-esque." 3. Sew seams. 4. Realize that you've sewn seams inside out. 5. Rather than unpick seam, simply cut it off and try again. 6. Try robe on self. 7. Give husband annoyed look for commenting on the fact that the robe fits you, yet is supposed to be for a seven year old. 8. Try robe on Parker. 9. Make Parker stand still while you walk around him cutting six inches of fabric off bottom. 10. Decide you are too lazy to walk downstairs to iron up hem. 11. Sew up hem. 12. Get Parker out of bed to try on robe and take his picture. 13. Tell Parker he cannot sleep in robe. 14. Force robe off Parker next morning and tell him he cannot wear it to school.


Riki said...

That is my kind of sewing!

mom said...

I forsee many hours of playing in that wonderful costume! Too bad that you didn't have a nice mom to make you costumes when you were little.

Holly said...

Impressive! I need to bust out my sewing machine & make fun things like that for my kids...I'm sure Parker is in heaven with his sweet new robe!
